Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Fake Warsaw Pact Soldier?"

BOLO: Fake Warsaw Pact Soldier With A Mohawk Ambushed PA State Police


Anonymous said...

There has been a push by the hard left and anti-gunners to regulate reenactments so that they cannot be used for "terrorist training" for many years now.

Anonymous said...

MKUltra, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Some people talk about the Second Amendment and how they'll fight against the enemies of freedom and the Bill of Rights. Others, believing that we're past that "awkward time," are doing more than just talk -- only to be ridiculed and condemned by the talkers. I personally am not going to go out and shoot anyone, but neither am I going to condemn those who have the balls to do more against the police state than just complain.

Make no mistake: Police in America today are the enemies of our freedom. They enforce all kinds of laws against victimless crimes, claiming "we don't make the laws," and many inoffensive souls are rotting in brutal prisons because of them. Yet at the same time, cops always cover up for other cops who commit crimes against citizens...even barbaric acts of violence. With rare exceptions, such as Sheriff Richard Mack, police in America are the willing enforcers of the Police State and should be viewed as our enemy. Those who trust or admire them are either suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or are cowards whose instincts compel them to always side with those perceived as powerful.

I need to laugh at that retarded police chief who called this ambush "cowardly." I suppose the thugs in his department are always careful to fight fair, such as during SWAT raids? And does he seriously believe that shooting cops and consequently getting hunted that whole mafia doesn't involve danger?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 08:37am, Exactly!

Also, after everyone of these shootings lately,( Whether Aurora,Colorado, Sandy Hook,LAX Terminal, the Las Vegas Police shootings etc.) that have been used to either Try and push for Gun Control or used to Try and Demonize the Liberty movement and Try and turn us into 'Domestic Terrorists' as i'm sure this one will, I alway's say:SHOW ME THE VIDEOS! There are video surveillance cameras at all of these scenes and there is no reason we shouldn't be able to see them...Unless these "Shootings" were acted out and not as the authorities have told us!

Finally, also worthy to note,Pennsylvania State Police Commisioner Frank Noonan, had an extensive career with the F.B.I., the organization responsible for most of the "False Flags" and 'Domestic Terrorism' in this Country.

Anonymous said...

The Millers of Las Vegas suffered the same fate in both main stream and alternative media. Cop killer = crazy, psychopath, drug addicts, etc... Same BS as they pushed in Waco on Koresh and the Branch Davidians.