Monday, September 22, 2014

Drunk Crashes Through Window Of Medieval Weapons Hobbyist, Hilarity, Stabbing Ensues

If you’re going to get drunk and then go for a drive in your car that you just reported stolen, get involved in a police chase, wreck your car, and then decide that your next brilliant move is to break into a home… well, maybe you need to pick your “victim” with a little more care.


Toastrider said...

Aw hell. As soon as I saw 'Society for Creative Anachronism' I knew that guy was screwed.

There's an infamous urban legend of a creep who drew a knife on a SCAdian when she was on her way home. The exchange went something like:

Creep: Give me your purse.

SCA: Um, no.

Creep: I got six inches here that'll change your mind.

SCA: (draws a broadsword) I'll see your six and raise you -thirty-.

Anonymous said...

Rennies is what they are called here in Colorado. Been around a long time. The true, outlawed Scottish martial arts,Fug Yew, is a predecessor to the scad lifestyle. A great amount of head butting,grappling,testicle removal. We weren't allowed weapons way back; so we improvised and adapted. The "game" is always the same. No mercy for the wicked. Knuck