I heard Mittens say on FOX one night that he had a "movement." Mittens has no "movement" that I know of, unless it might be a bowel movement he's referring to. What he has politically is a disparate anti-Obama coalition that couldn't agree on how to organize a two car funeral.
He is only the nominee because, in spite of every so-called conservative opposed to him in the primaries, he is the last man standing. More to the point, this anti-Obama coalition will disappear with the election regardless of who wins or loses.
The GOP elites, who foisted this candidate upon us, will believe (in the event of a win) that they had a pretty good bead on things all along and that the Tea Party hooligans can go back in their holes for at least another two years. If they lose, they will blame it on those same Tea Party folks who will not have done enough for their party.
Like the Irish discussing their history, the GOP elites will have forgotten nothing and learned nothing, which will leave the rest of us fighting a political rear-guard action for the Constitution just as we did in the Dubya years.
Of course, I suppose that is preferable to the probable civil war we'll be fighting if Obama's movement -- which is truly a movement -- wins. Although that could be a foregone conclusion anyway, for they will not react well to loss especially of White House and Senate, in addition to the House.
If the Democrat Socialists believe that they can achieve more from the meme "Whitey stole it from you,' they will use it and people will die in the streets.
As a friend said the other day. "One day they're (the race baiters) are going to claim we are killing them because they're black, and they'll be right." He did not want to see that day but didn't know how -- with the race baiting combined with the destruction of the black family and the entitlement society -- we can avoid it.