Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Only Ones" at play. Mayor Bloomberg's Private Army Guns Down Another Unarmed Citizen.

NYPD Officer Kills Unarmed National Guardsman


Disciple of Night said...

Pigs. Every. Last. One.

Ed said...

Two shots from a double action twelve pound trigger pull pistol is not a ND. This not "private army guns down another unarmed citizen", this is execution under color of authority. If the police officer felt threatened and felt justified in the use of deadly force, then proper psychiatric counseling would be appropriate. The same goes for those that would return him to any position dealing with the public.

SWIFT said...

I saw one post under the story, that suggested NYPD shouldn't be trusted to investigate themselves. It was suggested that they turn the case over to the FBI. Beyond belief! Of course, I've always held that drain bamage can be a threat to liberty.

Anonymous said...

Mike: With the last of the Nam Vet Cops having retired, and the new crop of New York's Worst having taken over, and with that idiot "Merde Bloomberg" ruling the PRC of NYC, what does one expect from them? Rational thought?? Reasonable behavior?? Not likely!!


Sail Man said...

This rougue cop would best receive judgement for his murder of an innocent man from the Tree of Liberty.