Monday, September 22, 2014

And speaking of reds. . .

Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed.


Anonymous said...

Yes Hilliary, the great red hope, just like Obama but white and female.

RED, through and through only, she is actually sneaky whereas he and his friends are totally in your face, and the media acts like nothing is going on!

The common denominator is *KAAAAA-CHING*! THE MEDIA!!!!!

The MARXIST supporting, loving, MEDIA!!!!

That new twinkle they've all got in their eyes, are little hammer and sickle pupils and their dreams at night are filled with their Zils and the "little people" that they now own...

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I have a small e-mail list of family and friends that i send articles to wake them up. Early this morning i also spotted the Hillary/Alinsky connection and articles on the high presence of Reds in the Greens and sent out the articles with commentary...great minds must think alike. With all this proof of who Hillary and people in the so-called Green movement are, then anyone supporting them cannot deny who they really are; collectivist,anti-Americanism, power hungry petty tyrants

BadCyborg said...

What I don't understand is why she felt the need to distance herself from Alinski. Clearly the blurb about "parting company" with Alinski before Law School was intended to give the impression that she was not the Alinski-ite she truly is/was. At the time of her first memoir, was there some political need?

Anonymous said...


Now you know the answer to your question, before you even asked it.

Marxists use lies, deception, extortion and fear as primary tools. The very last thing they want is for any truthful information about their beliefs and activities getting out.

It's become real important to hide that you're a democrat if you are running for judge, or are under consideration for appointment, in many places. In fact in some places it's hidden by law, supposedly to create an "independent judiciary", such as in my state of Ohio. In reality all it does in give concealment to leftists, which was the intension in the first place.

This is all part of their plan, which we are assured doesn't exist but keep finding evidence of at every turn...