Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fast and Furious Crime Boss to Resign. (It won't save him from the war crimes trials.)

Eric Holder To Step Down As Attorney General


Anonymous said...

Obama may look for someone worse, if you can imagine that.

prambo said...

I guess someone has to get "up to speed" on how to run the new version of the Sicherheitsdienst.

WarriorClass III said...

Holder to resign - again. How many times have we heard him say that only to decide later to stay once the heat died down?

cognitive dissonance said...

Gotta get out soon in order for at least a year go by, to give the left the "ancient history" rationalization when Obama pardons him.

Don't let the door hit you in the head, er, uh, whatever...

Anonymous said...

Bet he gets a president pardon just before Obama leaves office...

And I bet no one hears about it except us kooks...

Joe said...

Don't worry, folks.

Hitler-y probably has somebody
turn key read to go as well.

Anonymous said...

Ferguson residents can't be too happy bout dis. But remember, the reason for THIS action at THIS time is to serve DELAY. The incoming crime boss will claim he or she needs "more time" to examine and "get up to speed" in order to comply - that will be the song and dance for everything from gun walker to releasing Zimmermans property. Also, this will change "executive privilege" rules and congressional oversight rules.

Next up - a new congress seated that will delay everything done more. BARRY has won and John Boehner is the reason.

Anonymous said...

Your sudden faith in the just-us system is based upon what, exactly?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No we the people are the pathetic ones !!! Not the District of Criminals. We keep turning a blind eye, to the Treason, Corruption , Scandals, .Committed by 504 scoundrel's in Washington D.C., on a daily, monthly, yearly basis. Who claim they represent us, and who are doing the peoples business!!! While they line their own pockets. Sell America out To that New World Order Cabal. Where the flock is the so-called middle class ??? That they purport ,to care so much about??? We the People are the lame duck, comatose, ones. Sure we got numbers!!! But we are the [Sleeping Giant] that is Afraid to Wake Up!!! And put America back on the Right Track!!! String these treasonous swine up. Give them all what Mussollini, got and deserved . While they live in their gated communities. With their armed goon squads. And their full-auto weapons. All the while trying to pull our teeth, our semi's and Our 2nd Amendment!!!. While they take our jobs, and send them to the Commies in Red China. Its always been Smoke and Mirrors. Read- [None Dare Call IT Treason] , [A Nation of Sheep],[None Dare Call It Conspiracy]. They were given a Rebublic if they can keep it !!! I ask you where is our Republic ??? In the trash can of history !!! The Tree of Liberty needs to be revived!!! With the Blood of Patriots, as well as the Blood of Tyrants!!! Holder is a pathetic token nothing. Just like Barry Sorieto is a pathetic token nothing. They march to the Beat of Drum of the New World Order!!! Holder learned from the worst of the worst ."Hide You're Wimmen Folk"-Billy Boy Clinton, Hitlery[Madaam President] and Janet Reno. Who got away with Frying 87 Children at Waco Texas. And Hitlery said "We Did It For The Children" "and It Takes a Village to Raise a Child". Behind Enemy Lines in Unconstitutional Collectivist Ct. We Will Not Stand Down !!! Any Where ,Any Time, Any Place ,Bar None. 11B20. Come and Take Them !!!

Anonymous said...

Obama Likely Planning To Nominate Holder For Supreme Court

BadCyborg said...

Anonymous at 10:16 AM said...
Obama may look for someone worse, if you can imagine that.

I'd be surprised if he didn't already have Holder's relief warmed up and waiting in the bullpen. I'm not sure how anybody could actually be WORSE than Holder but dollars to doughnut holes the new AGUS will be just as bad.

Oh and Holder will never even go to trial. If needed his presidential pardon is already signed and ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Gee does anyone want to bet that There is going to be a vacancy on the Supreme court Very Very soon??

Anonymous said...

In just over 800 days Obozo will be out of office . In 41 days the Democraps are facing a huge beatdown unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes . Holder is looking for a seat on the lifeboat. Because the Loopy Far Left is going down.
Political waves usually begin about October 1st . This is going to be a big one.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve - ISIS Flying Over to Join.

Anonymous said...

So, we can deliver retribution once he's a civilian again?

Mark Pugner said...

Holder will NEVER be held accountable for his crimes. I for one will be VERY surprised if he ever is.