Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Attack of the Killer Watermelons. More proof, if any was needed, that Green is the new Red.

And there's that socialist clasping hands crap again.
Climate Movement Drops Mask, Admits Communist Agenda


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that link. I've been pounding this subject into my e-mail lists heads this week and this article was all encompassing..

CowboyDan said...

Lots of pix there, Mike. Thankfully, we have wifi here.

One pic I found especially ironic was the Flying Purple People Beaters (S.E.I.U.) having a sign proclaiming "An injury to one is an injury to all."

Aren't they these same people who put right wing people in the hospital when Obama was running for office, that refuse to allow workers AT THEIR HEADQUARTERS to form a union, and who pay them sub-standard wages?

Yeah, I thought they were the same bunch.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of all those Hollywood elites and retired politicians that swoon over the environmental movement and call us deniers. Now I can safely put them down on the communist enemies of America list.

Michael Gilson said...

The clasped hands is a very Appropriate symbol for socialists and communists. The hand shake started as a way to show the weapons hand was empty to demonstrate lack of aggressive intent. But for socialists, the weapons hand is the LEFT hand. So a socialist hand clasp immobilizes the weapons hand of others while theirs is free for the inevitable attack.

quislingnation said...

DSAUSA is the socialist group the Black Caucus and Progressive caucus are members of..

Anonymous said...

The money pic is the third one in the linked article, showing the CPUSA (Communist Party USA).
So from hereon out if any greeniacs or environazis get in my face, there will be just one word out of me (or maybe two or three, depending on the number of swear expletives I choose to add), "COMMUNIST!!".
Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.

B Woodman

Shawn McEwen said...

So they're out in the open now..... time to chamber a round.

John Otis Comeau said...

environmentalism spans the political spectrum. freedom from tyranny will be little comfort in a world with superstorms, temperature extremes, and vanishing food and potable water.

Anonymous said...

Where's Joe McCarthy when we need him!