Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hickenlooper fading?

GOP Candidate Takes 10-Point Lead in Colorado Governor’s Race


Oregon Hobo said...

Aye, took advantage of my highly mobile nature and moved to Colorado a li'l while back. "Hobo," I sez to myself, "this is a state that could sorely use a bit of voting," and so that's what I mean to do.

Besides, I like mountains. They're less compatible with tanks and drones.


BadCyborg said...

Unfortunately, polls only look at the will of the people who will cast the vote. Remember Stalin's words about elections:
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

All they need is a few voting districts getting "turnouts" in excess of 100% and Hickenlooper will be sitting pretty. I figure Malloy in Conn. is gonna win handily. Revolution, anyone?