Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Bloomberg throws more of his money on the fire, to no purpose.

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun money up in smoke as pro-gun sheriff wins in Wisconsin


Robert Fowler said...

With Bloomy's record, we have a Demonrat here in Iowa that might like some help.

Anonymous said...

It is pathetic that an old "berg" thinks that he can somehow change the world cause he has money....... maybe the frustration will be too much for him and he will despair and............

quislingnation said...

They should throw Bloomberg on the fire, it would have a much better effect on this nations future.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that whenever I read a headline like this, as soon as I see the person responsible I think; "Yep, looks exactly like I expected"? In this case, some rug-munching libtard bull-dyke. Oh, I could be wrong about that - but that's EXACTLY what it LOOKS like.