Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reid's position on 'assault weapons' for police sounds familiar

Both Reid and Horsford appear to be arguing that the fact that sometimes law enforcement agencies do indeed abuse the power of certain firearms should not mean that agencies that do not engage in such abuses be forced to get by with lesser guns. Does the same logic somehow not apply to the rest of us?


Anonymous said...

"Logic" similar to that put forth in the Dred Scott decision is in play here.

"It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ...to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

If private citizens had access to the same weaponry used by the U. S. military, they might aspire to equality with their betters in the political class. One need only look at the events in and around the Bundy Ranch to see what kind of chaos and anarchy might ensue.

Stryker said...

Arm and train.
Collaborate with the like minded; but be cautious...the fascists have and are infiltrating.
The battle for Liberty is not far off.
Some still believe in the Founders vision of a free people.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the Constitution is to restrict government, not citizens. The police are government. All government must be bound to the narrowest definition of the role they are assigned.

The greater selection of firearms and tools for law enforcement as opposed to what is readily available to US citizens is backwards.

No, I do not do that job. Nor should I have to in order to define the limits of government.

Neil Wampler said...

Excellent use of a SCOTUS ruling A.This is the "Light of experience"that the elites don't want us to have. I can see Reid scrambling to obfuscate this, but his hypocracy is manifest.I take it that you are speaking ironically when you refer to the "chaos and anarchy" at Bundy's - well, it was chaotic in the sense that we didn't know what was going to happen from moment to moment.Anarchy? our behavior was a magnificent expression of our civic mindedness and our passion for liberty. We need more Bunkervilles.

Anonymous said...

Overwhelming firepower for ME - but not for thee!

How else are you to be kept in your place?

You would want to be in control next!

The Servant - as Master ...


Anonymous said...

If the police need a M4 so do I. If they need 30 round magazines, then so do I. We as citizens face the same threats as the police on a daily basis. In facts we face the same amount of potential violence as they do every day. We also are exposed to it for a longer duration without backup than a police officer is. If we are not, then it would stand to reason, we either don't need police or they are the source.