Friday, August 15, 2014

Connecticut response to gun law challenge reveals plan to gut Second Amendment

If the “in common use at the time” standard is held to recognize anything different than what is available to soldiers in the field, every new development in personal weapons technology will, by default, be denied to the people by the very body charged with facilitating a citizen militia and expressly forbidden from infringing with the right of the people to keep and bear arms. At that point, each new infringement can and will be used to diminish commonality, itself an unspecific and arbitrary standard subject to further political distortions in order to ban anything the state deems in its interests to eliminate.


Anonymous said...

well, they have to write something even if its complete idiocy. And the court will e-a-t it up. yum yum yum.

People in robes cannot vote on a right. duh. Their rulings have no affect on me.

Anonymous said...

The message is clear:

2nd Amendment - Use it ot lose it!

Now's the day, and now's the hour;
See the front o' battle lour;
See approach proud [Obama]'s power—
Chains and slavery!

Anonymous said...

LOOK beyond the phrase game.
SCOTUS admitted a couple fundamental things already. Technology advancement CANNOT be a rights limitation tool OR an ink pen a laptop and modern day printing press would not be protected - as they are technological advancements. Clearly, they ARE protected.

That said, and this goes to the "which level of Scrutiny applies" posturing. That's hogwash as well, in that SCOTUS did already direct lower courts as to Scrutiny. After a POINTED example about freedom of speech, protected even if people find the exercise off putting or even abhorrent, SCOTUS was straightforwardly CLEAR. "The Second Amendment is no different."

As the first cannot be limited by technology, neither can the Second. Additionally, SCOTUS wrote about the point that it matters not if folks don't Ike the "fit" today based on technology. The Amendments say what they say and it's "not their place" to declare them as saying something they do not.

RIGHT after heller, the Chicago Tribune admitted KNOWING that the only path forward for gun controllers was to seek repeal of the Second Amendment. The quick backlash caused them to drip the idea post haste.

@within the home@ was adopted instantly, grasping at straws, but it fell instantly ( I fart in Lisa madigans general direction) and now they are playing the common use card alongside the scrutiny card.


Because of the manufactured doctrine of selective incorporation, there can be no infringing OR abridging. Hoisted in their own petard, they are.

T. Paine said...

I avoid CT as much as possible and when I have to go there for business I don't buy anything or spend the night. MOLON LABE!

Anonymous said...

"In common use at the time"...
Seems that 10s of millions of AKs and M4s make these platforms "in common use".

DAN III said...

Assassination ala the Irish Republican Army. It's not too difficult of a concept to grasp.