Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Looting Tourism." Anecdote of a collapsing civilization.

Ferguson Looter: ‘I’m Proud Of Us, We Deserve This’
One looter who came out of a QuikTrip told The Washington Post that he was proud of what he was doing. “I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” DeAndre Smith told The Post. “St. Louis — not going to take this anymore.”
See also: Race pimps and war tanks: Why Ferguson was a perfect storm


Anonymous said...

Cops and military are taught to double tap, stop and assess, and then double tap again if necessary.

In this case we see the now known assailant of the officer, shot six times and none of them were double taps.

This tells me that the officer in question simply emptied his sidearm at the assailant in hopes of surviving an attack and was in fear of his life, in a time compressed situation. He was trying to survive.

That will not be the story which will be believed, even if a phalanx of other Black people tell them (other black people) it is so, show them video, photographic evidence, forensic evidence and eye witness testimonies.

Hate will have it's pound or two of flesh and it will be directed at anyone of the hated class or more accurately race, if you prefer and of course used for political purposes and to undermine the constitution and bill of rights further, for all Americans.

Geeeee.... Doesn't that kinda fit right in with any planned subjugation of this country and it's peoples, that is if there was in fact, a plan? Which I am assured is just a crazy thought that only blood thirsty right-wingers have.

Feels vaguely KGB/Soviet in character. But then that would be another one of those crazy thoughts...

BadCyborg said...

The St. Louis County medical examiner’s autopsy found that Brown was shot six to eight times in the head and chest

Damned hard to do chest shots from behind. Damned stupid to keep advancing on any armed person who has drawn their weapon and is hollering at you to stop. Terminally stupid in this case. The facts that are emerging - not the quotes but the facts - appear to me to support the notion that the shooting was 100% justified. Somebody that big starts coming at me, I'm gonna tell him to stop where he is and then I'm gonna start doing my dead-level best to stop him. In the middle of a fracas there isn't time to do a damage assessment after each individual round. You have to - and, at least under Texas law, are 100% justified in - until the attacker breaks off their attack. Even if they break off their attack by FALLING DEAD!!! I'm old and sick and it doesn't take just a whole lot to make me afraid for my life any more. Anybody who advances aggressively on any openly armed person - especially a member of the world's largest criminal street gang - hollering "STOP!!" DESERVES to get dead! What the cop knew or didn't know is irrelevant. The facts of the circumstances of this shooting all by themselves justify the police officer - OR ANY OTHER PERSON - doing what he did to preserve his own life.

DeAndre Smith's statement does not even deserve a comment much less being printed in the national/world media.