Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shoot Racist Tea Partiers in ‘Battlefield Hardline’

Propaganda preparation of the battlefield.


Anonymous said...

That is interesting in the extreme... Hitler, Mao and Stalin all made no bones about what they'd do... now we see this.

Anonymous said...

'Good to know how they feel about us. It'll cut right through the separation anxiety when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

More indoctrination... Seeing that who they're reaching out to are couch potato ne'er do wells i'm not too worried. I'm sure they're adept at being hard core sniper scouts, capable of traversing at least 15 miles in a day carrying a pack, plus weaponry, all to annihilate any and all TEA party-ers...If there was ever a group that would make for easy target practice it's the "gamer" crowd...

Anonymous said...

Dont know how much you folks know about this game, but I play it myself online (not this newest version, but the previous version) In this version, in single player mode, one is forced to play the role of the govt agent and one plays against the online play mode, one can choose which side one wants to play for and you play against other players....I know which side I would be playing for. And while it is just "a game" it is a game that can be played as "tactically" correct as one wants (within reason), so I find that there are some basic (conceptual) training benefits to be had. (note I wrote "basic" and "conceptual") I've used the game to introduce my son to concepts such as flanking, bounding over watch, dynamic assault, avenues of approach, shaping the battlefield, etc. etc.

As far as being a radical as defined by the current admin...mea culpa.....and they would be best served to keep that in mind...

PS. On the version I play (Battlefield 4) there is a public domain (anyone can play) privately rented server titled "III% American Tea Party" Don"t know who runs it.


Toastrider said...

Anon at 8/15/14 5:24AM is missing the point. They're not looking to recruit, they're looking to indoctrinate, so that when the asshole brigade kicks someone's door in, people don't raise a fuss.

I find it amusing that DICE is doubling down on this. Battlefield 4's release suffered enormous problems (enough that several reviewers stuck it on their top-ten-worst of the year list for last year). So clearly the solution is... to go political and piss MORE people off.

Ah well. For what it's worth I always thought Left 4 Dead 2 taught good squad tactics as well, plus it had a nicely subversive aspect to it. You see numerous signs talking about how 'guns are not allowed in safe rooms'... and every saferoom you'll come to has guns and ammo.