Friday, August 29, 2014

Wisdom from Dr. Walter Williams

Blacks Must Confront Reality


T. Paine said...

Many have said it, including me, that the facts and figures don't lie. People lie. Such is case with the race pimping whores like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder and obama.

Anonymous said...

Williams makes one mistake - about the strategy producing disappointing results. The strategy in place by those who control it - democrats- is priding exactly the results intended. They are not disappointed in the least. The dependency they want now grows on autopilot, producing the votes they are after and so much so are they secure in this are they that moved on to illegal immigration to bolster the numbers.

The so called grievance industry is more powerful than base industrialization these days. Far more drama is manufactured than anything else. Ferguson is a perfect example - as scores have been shot dead around the country since and they say nothing about it and do nothing about it.

Williams pens another here that most white folks would be called racist for daring to write, but he still comes from the position that "leadership" wants resolution, when indeed they want role reversal revenge.

rexxhead said...

Interesting... or maybe simply 'obvious'.

Williams here echoes Sowell who once wrote:

"The issue is not what anyone intends but what consequences are in fact likely to follow. At a minimum, we must make our choices among the alternatives actually available--and when we choose something impossible to achieve, the disappointments and dangers that follow are not accidental."

In a rational society, these two men would be running the country.

Anonymous said...

Williams and Sowell are both Libertarians, folks. I like 'em both, too. But we must vote Republican at the polls and hope that Libertarian philosophy permeates the Republican Party soon!

- Old Greybeard