Saturday, August 23, 2014

Armed black demonstrators display egalitarian diversity of right to arms

Honest liberty advocates laud natural and civil rights being exercised, not crimes being committed that take advantage of the trust that must come with freedom. If rights are abused, we condemn the individual abusers, not the right. And skin color has nothing to do with any of that – unless you're a "progressive" and want to have something to cynically exploit.
An alternate opinion: Ferguson or not, marching around with guns and making vigilante threats is such a bad idea


Paul X said...

David is right. Tod Robberson (what a name!) is wrong. Everybody should be armed, and vigilance committees are better than the alternative, armed state thugs funded by theft.

BadCyborg said...

"Here’s what’s so troubling to me: These marchers believe that they need to arm themselves for a racial confrontation yet to be announced."

Of course it would never occur to a dyed-in-the-wool statist/collectivist/"progressive" like this anus that - just perhaps- those folks being armed MIGHT just forestall a racial confrontation. And, besides, the best time to arm oneself for a confrontation is BEFORE it starts, not after! Hello! Shut the barn door long after the livestock have run off much?

Progressives - too stupid to live but illegal to hunt.

T. Paine said...

As a lifelong hardcore 2nd Amendment advocate I have no issue with anyone lawfully exercising their right to carry. The fact that the NBPP has openly called for my murder (I'm guilty of being a white man) is just one reason I carry. We live in dangerous times.