Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tribal warfare. Another anecdote of a collapsing civilization.

Thieves allegedly rob six victims in name of Michael Brown
A quote from the novel Malevil comes to mind:
Suddenly I realized something. What we were in the process of doing in Malevil, and quickly, very quickly now, since speed was the precondition of our survival now, was learning the art of war. The evidence was blindingly obvious. There was no longer any state to guard us. There was no order but our guns. And not only our guns, but our wiles. We, who at Easter, not so long ago, had no other concern but to win the Malejac local elections, were now in the process of inculcating in ourselves, one by one, the implacable laws of primitive warrior tribes.


T. Paine said...

This past weekend I did a run and gun session where, among other things, I practiced a draw and fired two (Sig 9MM) from the hip center mass, transition to full standing extended grip and add one to the head. I can do that accurately and safely in under 3 seconds on two targets. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Friend always wears a jacket with his hands in the pockets. If someone is dumb enough to try and rob him he will be surprised to find that there is a pistol in each pocket with a hand on each gun. A third pistol is in a small-of-the-back holster. This guy is a long time friend of the late Jim "Crazy Snake" Blake. Two of a kind gun collectors.

Anonymous said...

I read Malevil when it came out in 1973 I was stationed in W.Germany at the time so it held my interest.

A rather unique dystopian novel set in a small castle
As with most French novels it goes from violence to sex

Paul X said...

Hard to have sympathy for the victims - not a gun among them. Well, maybe they've learned a lesson...