Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Zombies Are Us: The Walking Dead in the American Police State

If there is any lesson to be learned, it is simply this: whether the threat to national security comes in the form of actual terrorists, imaginary zombies or disgruntled American citizens infected with dangerous ideas about freedom, the government’s response to such threats remains the same: detect, deter and annihilate.


Anonymous said...

Liberal Activists in Colorado: Illegally Filling Out Ballots to Steal Votes is "Truly Awesome"

Anonymous said...

On Duty Federal Cop Allegedly Pulled Gun on Uber Driver, Asked “Do You Want to Live or Die?”

Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer Byron McDonald is facing aggravated assault charges after he allegedly pulled a gun on an Uber driver at random and asked, "Do you want to live or die?" McDonald was traveling on official business for the BIA at the time of the incident.

Anonymous said...

Good article, but preaching to the choir on this one. Anyone fooled by their little zombie charade really is a zombie. A couple of years back DHS put in an order with a target maker for targets that looked like grand-pa holding a shotgun, a pregnant young woman with a gun, a 10 year old boy with a gun and so forth. So many of us were contacting that target maker to complain that we crashed their website. So if they just make that target with a melting face and eating someone's arm they can get away with it, like it's some "make believe" scenario. Their surprise will come when they realize training for slow moving monsters armed with jagged teeth is quite different than fighting fast moving guerrillas armed with equipment taken from them

Anonymous said...

The problem here in America is the as Americans we have never bowed to a King or Queen and the Globalist feel that has to change . Food will once again be used as a weapon against Americans . To see real life zombies see the video reels of the half starved displaced persons of Europe after WW2 as they wondered around looking for food.

Anonymous said...

Your absolutely right. As the saying goes " Don't know what you got,till it's gone".

Paul X said...

Funny, I always assumed it would be the government minions who would assume the role of zombies.