Friday, October 31, 2014

Of timid trolls and tiger talkers. "Anyone can have a blog, who cares what the dude says?" Enter the "Joebots." Reaction to my piece from yesterday.

Check out the comments to my post here and to David's here.
My favorite comment is from Dave Ragozzine, who writes: "Anyone can have a blog, who cares what the dude says(?)" Truer words were never spoken. Of course, most typical is this reaction to David's piece from Bob Richardson: "I no longer go to the Examiner website because of all the intrusive and vocal ads." I wonder how all those folks like Richardson really expect us to believe that they will be there at muzzle-point shouting "Molon Labe" opposing the evil machine when they, a. lack the intelligence and/or gumption to obtain a free ad-blocker so they can read David's work without further bother and, b., are so easily deflected from the search for truth by mere momentary inconvenience. And we are expected to think of such people as serious allies?
The only thing more ridiculous are the chest-thumpers who say they want to "get it on" now before they grow too old for the fight. Really? Are they ready for a civil war? Have they made all the preparations they need to? Have they trained, networked, worked the intelligence problem, or any of a million things necessary to prepare for such an eventuality? Do they even understand what that means, what the human cost would be? Recently, I walked with Bob Wright through the national cemetery at Shiloh battlefield park in Tennessee. We talked about what he called "the tiger talkers" and how he wished that he could drag all of them through the cemetery to get some idea of the reality of civil war, of the cost in blood and tears and irretrievable human potential.
In clinging to the competing notions that this is some form of political game without future cost, or, to the equally naive idea that "we can whip 'em easy," both sides demonstrate an unthinking ignorance that they will be swiftly and violently disabused of come the awful dawn of real civil war. In these illusions they are the doppelgangers of the collectivists who believe that just because they win an election that cloaks them in the color of law, the rest of us will meekly fall in line for their tyranny when they say so.
But the paradigm, as they say, is about to shift and there is a rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem, Connecticut to be born.
We have the promise, whispered in the halls of power in Connecticut, that the gun raids begin after Malloy's re-election. It is past time to seriously consider what will ensue when that happens. When the first innocents are dead in their living rooms, what then will the timid trolls and the tiger talkers DO? They should give some consideration to that eventuality now, for if Malloy is re-elected it is coming. Believe me, it WILL come.


Anonymous said...

I imagine there are some who want to get it on right now, but don't really understand the gruesome reality of war. However, I wouldn't lump them all together as being naive or keyboard commandos because some have thought it through and are fully aware of the consequences involved.

Some love this country enough they are willing to live a shortened lifespan totally void of any and all luxury in order to attempt righting this ship we call home. They have spent countless hours pondering the situation and have concluded revolution is not only inevitable, but necessary if this country is to remain the land of the free. Their love of country above self is admirable.

We should all understand by now that good people must sometimes do bad things for a short while in order to stop bad people from doing bad things in perpetuation. This is likely the mindset of everyone who exercises their right to carry a firearm on their person, for in their mind any single instance of violence they commit to stop those who repeatedly threaten life, liberty, and property is entirely justified. It's not that they are trigger-happy and looking to commit violence, but they are willing to step into a moment of violence in order to stop someone who would repeatedly commit violence against others in the future. In their mind, society becomes a better place when they step up to help make that happen despite the risks involved, so it's not a far stretch for them to think the same about civil war.

Mitch Rapp said...

...and THAT is why I contributed so much treasure in the hope that your presence there in CT might quell and attenuate downward the possibility of armed, deadly conflict.

Dutchman6 said...

Mitch, I'm trying like hell to get there. At the moment that's all I can promise. It has been suggested that I can do as much good if I come after the election. There is a rumor floating that if Malloy should lose, that Lawlor intends to start the raids BEFORE they leave office. Wouldn't put it past him, the commie bastard. One way or the other, one time or the other, I will make it to CT. That's all I can do.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Mike. After years of martial arts competition and boxing pro the last thing i really want to do is get into a fist fight because i know, for a fact, someone is going to get hurt. And it could very well be me. Plus, there's times when it never ends right there. The loser then wants retribution and at a later date i could get jumped. And then i want retribution, and it never ends. Many people that "talk the talk" find something very different in the end when they actually "walk the walk". Once the trigger is pulled, "it's on!". Everything changes. Not that i'm saying to back down in the face of adversity, it's just that the big picture has to be looked at beforehand from a perspective of reality. It's a scary thought and I for one really hope (and pray to God) it doesn't have to come to that.

Anonymous said...

Mike ... Lawlor, Malloy ,Stasis are coming if they win or lose. That is ordained. As much as those 2 enjoy dancing on the graves of those children @ Sandy Hook. To further their Collectivist agenda. Holder spent a week behind closed doors, in Ct.. Meeting with L.E.O. One month before ,Sandy Hook went down. Remember Conspiracy Theories. Are really Conspiracy Truths!!! I will never Genuflect !!! . To a bunch of Commie, Sodomites...,The Despicable - 188... I do not care how many illegal, illogical, laws they pass. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Law of the Founder's Republic!!! I am not relishing the thought of Civil War. But the Ct Collectivists are intent on drawing first blood!!! Red KGB, Mike Lawlor, only has the balls to slap around little girls!!! That is the extent of his personal man hood !!! He will gloat ,in glory. When law abiding gun -owners .Get stuffed in body bags!!! Remember Sodomites are great. Law abiding gun owners are the Lunatic Fringe!!! When pigs grow wings and fly. Behind Enemy Lines ,Collectivist, Ct. We Will Not Stand Down. AAA/O.11B20. God Bless You Dutchman!!!!.

Anonymous said...

I commented on the post yesterday, and want to clarify that I in no way wish to see violence over this issue, but its not my call.

Those who are bereft of respect for my fellow citizens rights are the ones making the call here, the ball is in their court, should they be (unfortunately) reelected to office, where they think their power is limited only by what the mob will tolerate and/or "demands", and not the lawful limitations placed on their authority by the Constitution of both their state and their nation.

If they decide to use violence against otherwise innocent people for breaking the "law" they wish to see fervently enforced, all hell will likely break loose, and its not because I, as a person, will make it so.

In fact, this has nothing to do with me and my wishes at all.

The mood of this nation is turning against the progressive socialists after they got their wish fulfilled and had their first affirmative Action President.

From the blood dance that failed to garner new federal "gun control" "laws" to the absolute flop of this administration, its abject failure in every conceivable way to defend the people of this nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, it has become patently obvious that it -IS- composed of enemies of this Republic; enemies who wish to undermine our democratic process with illegal and alien voters, to "breed" the American people out of their own nation, and then to "fundamentally transform" this nation, with no place left for what the Founders created and no respect for our fundamental rights as human beings and citizens.
Make no mistake- these people HATE America, they HATE Americans, their ACTIONS have proven this beyond any shadow of doubt.

And then there was Bundy ranch.

Admittedly, I believed the entire situation to be a bit ludicrous, and thought that Bundy should have been arrested for whatever violations he had committed by men coming civil and peaceable like to his property with lawful warrants, in the light of day.

But thats not how our new masters running the Cesspool on the Potomac want things to be.

Instead, they wanted to use the utmost of force, to display their heavy hand of power..... over cattle grazing.

And then there were the stories of Senator Reid's hand in the issue...... unsubstantiated or not, the glaring issue was the outrageous gov't use of force....

How do you suppose people like the ones that showed up at Bundy Ranch will take the news that Americans' homes are being raided at 3 in the morning by paramilitary swat teams merely for the newly minted "crime" of excersizing a right that Malloy and the usual anti- liberty suspects think they don't deserve to have respected because of the actions of one madman?

And when the first blood is shed, the first shots fired on Americans to enforce this tyranny?

Americans everywhere have had enough of this radical leftist crap.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed. 10, 20 million, tops!"

Chatroom Commandos.

They take a break from whatever video war game they're master of to publicly self-stroke and spray delusional, pompous, badass diarrhea about the irresistible power of Asymmetric Warfare.

OOOOOOH!!! Someone learned a buzz word!!!. As if no one else knows asymmetric warfare. As if burping a magic phrase will make it a cake walk to resist a security state which the Soviets and the Nazis could never have imagined ... after 20 more years of cultural terraforming by over-immigration, invasion, occupation, anchor brood parasitism, urbanization, legislature packing, court packing, military packing, police state packing, Nazification, feminization, felonization, registration, Goldilocks Gun Control, NRA sponsored mental-health dragnet disarmament without recourse to fair jury trial, NRA-sponsored full-enforcement of existing gun controls, etc.

Bastards won't donate for or against key candidates, organize to win elections, volunteer for GOTV, won't even vote or even forward a link, but they're going to save us "when the time comes." Sure thing.




Paul X said...

"However, I wouldn't lump them all together as being naive or keyboard commandos because some have thought it through and are fully aware of the consequences involved."

Indeed. There's a lot of collective-speak going on here. People are individuals. Not everyone who taps on a keyboard is worthless.

A war would be bad. Avoiding a necessary house-cleaning, and subsequently sinking into complete tyranny would be worse. Sometimes there are no good choices. Nobody knows who will perform and who will choke when the real battle comes; often we are surprised to find out.

Think of the Internet as one gigantic "Committee of Correspondence". Do try not to sneer too much at what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Committee of Correspondence. Best euphemism for Circle Jerk I've ever heard. Nearly all the chatroom warriors I've read recently appear to be blowing easy-peasy resistance hot air as an excuse for apathy, for having done nothing peacefully to save the Republic, and demoralizing others to do the same so they can feel better about themselves. And those are the ones who appear to be merely lazy, delusional, or irresponsible -- as opposed to being engaged in agent provocateur or entrapment activity.


Paul X said...

"Bastards won't donate for or against key candidates, organize to win elections, volunteer for GOTV, won't even vote..."

As someone who spent literally decades doing these things, I have finally learned that they don't work. Government always wins. People in government spend their entire "working" life rigging the system for their own benefit, while the rest of us are supposed to counter that with a little door-to-door work and campaign signs on the lawn and GOTV every two years? Ain't gonna happen. The first real step is to stop believing the government religion.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear God. You did them and they didn't work. I've done them right, and they did work, quite well. The problem is not enough folks are doing them, or doing them smart. And you're calling for even fewer folks to do them. Way to go, Chatroom Warrior.

Anonymous said...

"OOOOOOH!!! Someone learned a buzz word!!!. As if no one else knows asymmetric warfare. As if burping a magic phrase will make it a cake walk to resist a security state which the Soviets and the Nazis could never have imagined ... after 20 more years of cultural terraforming by over-immigration, invasion, occupation, anchor brood parasitism, urbanization, legislature packing, court packing, military packing, police state packing, Nazification, feminization, felonization, registration, Goldilocks Gun Control, NRA sponsored mental-health dragnet disarmament without recourse to fair jury trial, NRA-sponsored full-enforcement of existing gun controls, etc."

And well gee whiz, whaddya know, maybe -- just maybe! -- the prospect of 20 more years of all that is exactly why some of the "keyboard commandos" and "tiger talkers" want to just get it on already.

The American civilization is coming apart at the seams whether we want it to or not. It just is.

Pajama Prepper said...

Hello, David Ragozzine here.
A fellow Patriot informed me that you had gotten word of my situation. I would like to share with you the full story. Also, the "Anyone can have a blog, who cares what the dude says(?)" was not written in May, I wrote that just a few days ago in a comment to a post on Ct Conservatives. Email me at


William Flatt (Indiana Militia) said...

I too have wrestled with the dynamic tension of wanting a "Constitutional Republic Rollback", getting back to 1776... versus being as prepared as possible. The problem I have learned in this strategy is that the vast majority of us lack the financial means to become fully prepared logistically in an appropriate time-frame. We need to leverage organizational strengths (company-or-larger-sized groups) to acquire mission-essential items for the destitute but willing ones, along with fund-raising opportunities conducted through cutout groups to obtain group resources that cannot be accomplished through merely passing the hat around. In participating with the militia for the past 20 years, I have yet to meet anyone in my state or any nearby state who is independently wealthy and a member of the militia.

History shows that wars were and continue to be lost for a lack not only of good soldiers, but a lack of resources. The South lost due to a lack of mechanization and money in the War of Northern Aggression (Yeah I was born in Indiana but I'm Southern by the Grace of God)!!

The gruesome realities of war and the concordant loss of living standards that accompany it aside, I am appalled just the same that so many use their disgust for war as a cover for what appears to be cowardice. I want the fight to restore liberty to be done right on the first try, because in revolution there are no resets. Likewise in the spilling of blood. There are no modern Lazaruses having been resurrected by the Almighty - not till the Second Coming, at any rate. But more than wanting it to be done right, I want it to be done! I took my oath in joining the militia that this goal would be achieved in my lifetime. Like Mike, I'm getting older every day and struggle with my health, but I have (God willing) many years of life and leadership left in me - and I still would like to bequeath to my son (who is still at least a decade away from being able to take up arms) a free nation in which to live, so the task does not fall to him.

My parents grew up and worked most of their lives in the era before personal computers and the internet. They had their legitimate excuses for not knowing what we know, and thusly not had the wherewithal to do something about it. We have no such amnesty. We will go to our maker with the full condemnation of having squandered His inestimable gift of liberty if we fail to secure it for ourselves and our posterity while we are able.

Think on that!