At the risk of being very politically incorrect I would offer up an observation . What is President Obama's largest demographic supporters ? That would be Caucasian women voters . Not blacks although very large , not Hispanics not Asian but these women voters . The Caucasian male fled Obama in 2008 and never looked back. This is why Ebola is so damning to the Democrat party . Because in a war time situation the men go to war and the women head to the mall . So unless you had a loved one in the fighting wars mean very little to women voters . In the second world war fighting age males were 17 to 65 so wars and rumors of fighting mean a great deal to male voters . But Ebola is the game changer this affects every man woman and child in the United States and there is no place to hide . And the type of death is so hideous. If Ebola shakes America to it's core then we need that wake up call.
Nigeria and Senegal have been declared Ebola free by the WHO.
Peter Jahrling of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease who is/was in Liberia thinks the viral load is much higher in recent patients than in earlier years.
Some sites, none I care to link to report a neighbor of this Dr. Spencer as saying the photo the news shows is not him.
At the risk of being very politically incorrect I would offer up an observation . What is President Obama's largest demographic supporters ? That would be Caucasian women voters . Not blacks although very large , not Hispanics not Asian but these women voters . The Caucasian male fled Obama in 2008 and never looked back.
This is why Ebola is so damning to the Democrat party . Because in a war time situation the men go to war and the women head to the mall . So unless you had a loved one in the fighting wars mean very little to women voters . In the second world war fighting age males were 17 to 65 so wars and rumors of fighting mean a great deal to male voters . But Ebola is the game changer this affects every man woman and child in the United States and there is no place to hide . And the type of death is so hideous. If Ebola shakes America to it's core then we need that wake up call.
Get's coming to a city near you. Thanks Mr. Obola.
Quote from Crocodile Dundee: "8 million people living together! Crikey, New Yorkers must be the friendliest folks on earth!"
Not anymore.
This dipshit needs to lose his license at the very least.
Nigeria and Senegal have been declared
Ebola free by the WHO.
Peter Jahrling of the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Disease who
is/was in Liberia thinks the viral load
is much higher in recent patients than
in earlier years.
Some sites, none I care to link to
report a neighbor of this Dr. Spencer
as saying the photo the news shows
is not him.
So there's cause for alarm and more
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