Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jeers from the Peanut Gallery: International Brotherhood of Willful Simpletons strikes back.

Well, we have these charming rejoinders from the brave but anonymous International Brotherhood of Willful Simpletons:
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've done more to hurt freedom than to adovocate (sic) it.

"No Fort Sumters"-----

You're afraid, Mike....

August 28, 2010 3:53 PM

Anonymous said...

Ever toss a brick personally, Mike?

August 28, 2010 4:43 PM


No worries on the firing line.

Mike won't be there....

August 28, 2010 4:03 PM

You know, the anonymous moke is probably right about that. I'll be long dead before he ever works up enough grit to join a firing line.


Pat H. said...

What everyone should understand is that the primary difference between the events at Lexington and Concord and those in Charleston Harbor are that the sovereign and separate states won in the former and the lawfully seceded states lost in the latter.

Lexington and Concord were every bit a "Fort Sumter" as Fort Sumter itself, perhaps more so.

Anonymous said...

Who ina hell is Mike? What's a firing line? Did something happen in Lexington?

Dakota said...

You know I have had about enough of this chicken shit "I wanna start the war"... or what's your credentials? Well what is your fucking credentials too ass wipe. If you fucking heroes really want to do something ...... useful, why don't you actually train a group of men, do you have any real leaders amongst you that can actually lead men or are you all mouth?

I hated these fuckers in the 90s and I really hate them now..... shades of Brig. Gen Brad Glover .... here we go.... fuckin losers ...


BTW Mike .... it is time to stop this.

Anonymous said...

Lexington and Concord versus Fort Sumter are nowhere near the same thing, but there is something we can learn from them and apply it today.

Redcoats were marching to confiscate arms and were met with resistance. Today, this is equivalent to the police coming to your door to take your firearms. The public can sympathize, support, and/or backup Patriots who resist with arms in this instance (not all of them, but a good part of them will).

Fort Sumter was a fort occupied by Union troops before and after South Carolina seceded. So far as Lincoln was concerned, SC was still part of the union despite their desire to be a Confederate state. When SC successfully assaulted it Lincoln called for volunteer troops to take back that federal property. Today, this would be like besieging an FBI building in your neighborhood and the Feds send troops to take it back. The public will agree with and support the Feds in this instance.

No Fort Sumters, period. We will need a good part of the public behind us.

But think for a minute why the redcoats were marching to confiscate those arms? They didn't just pull that idea out of a hat one morning. The Patriots were causing so much trouble (hint, hint) that they put themselves on the radar. By their mischievous behavior they practically invited the redcoats to Lexington and Concord.

johnnyreb said...

Funny how these asswipes are all anonymous.


Bill (Bad Cyborg) Mullins said...

Such as they will never get it, Dutchman. Never. I do find it interesting that they hide behind a mask of anonymity. What's the matter, Anon, afraid to tell us who you are? Kindly note that I'm signing this with both my handle and my name. Are you brave enough to follow suite? Thought not.

Pat H. - IIRC, before Lexington and
Concord was a little set-to sometimes referred to as the "Boston Massacre". IIRC, things went downhill from there.

I remember over a year ago I asked Mike privately how I would know when the revolution had started. His terse, three-word answer haunts me to this day. In answer to how I'd know when the revolution had started Mike simply replied "I'll be dead."

I believe with all that is within me that a revolution is coming. I also dread it will all that is within me. I have a grandson who can come any time now. I'd very much like him to grow up in the 21st century with all the 21st century bells and whistles. If war comes he will grow up in something approximating the late 19th century. I would like to think that no one will start things such that that massive regression only happens if it is unavoidable.

Nobody who has ever been in a fight spoils for one. The fact that these knotheads are doing so strongly indicates they know nothing about war. I hope they remain ignorant.

Bad Cyborg X
Talking out of both sides of one's face can lead to massive cramps in the muscles of the face.

Anonymous said...

None of these guys really want to start or war. They want someone else to start a war. Otherwise they would get busy at starting a war instead of publicly critisizing others for not starting a war. My bet is that everyone who sits home wanting someone else to start a war will also sit home when someone else finally does.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you didn't think that MoveOn and Co. wouldn't want to stick a poker in your side Mike? This is all noise. We have not seen anywhere close to enough bricks yet. BTW, we need to think about the external excursion attempts when/if we do get pre occupied...

What you really don't think everyone (yes everyone) is going to just let us play among ourselves and not try to take a piece of the biggest pie in history do you?

Keep up the good work Mike and everyone else that is like minded here!


Chris said...

Yeah, I am willing to fight for what I believe to protect my family and republic. I am even willing to kill for it. What these retards don't understand is when the shit hits the fan and the shooting starts, LIFE AS WE KNOW IT ENDS. No more kicking back on the couch drinking a beer watching the ball game on the boobtube, no more running down to Kroger to get those little nice things that make all of our lives so much more convenient.

I keep reading all these armchair commandos running off at the keyboard, well jackoffs, where were ya'll at the RTC rallys, time to put up or shut up. If you can't do the little things to keep the pressure on the enemies of the Republic you are just as much the problem as they are.

Mike, you keep doing what you do and we'll keep doing what we do.


Temnota said...

I deduce, by the marked absence in news reports of military action being taken against the government here at home that these gung-ho heroes are still marshalling their forces and scouting the battlefield. I bet they're really good at that.

Assuming that none of them is on the government payroll (and some probably are), then we can draw the following conclusion. They are either waiting for somebody else to start shooting so they can watch the fireworks on cable, in which case they're cowards, or they are waiting for somebody like Mike to tell them to attack, in which case they're sheep.

I am underwhelmed by this spectacle of manly valor. I bet they look sharp in their MarPat underoos, though.

ParaPacem said...

Just remember Mikey =
You don't HAVE to feed the trolls.

They're just passing time as they live in Mom's basement on the old mildewed couch, writing on the kaptop Mom got them by working her second job at a 7-11.

I'm sure they don't really mean any of the drivel that they post here; it's just that they've been banned from posting in the 'teen chat' rooms under the name of "Horny Babe 96" or "Hot Daddy Benjamin$$", deleted from the Puffington Ho, and laughed at on the Daily Kooz. So what else is a troll to do, than post such stuff wherever he is allowed?
Had hoped to see you at the local GS, but strep came for a visit. Yippee ki yay,

Anonymous said...

Who ina hell is Mike? What's a firing line? Did something happen in Lexington?--Anon@5:58

Wickedly funny, sir! :^)


Toastrider said...

One of the points that I hope MBV and others understand is that this is /not/ 1860. Regardless of who had the moral high ground back then, it is NOT in the hands of 'the authorities' now.

I may disagree with MBV over views of the 'legality' of the Civil War (or the War of Northern Aggression, or the 'late unpleasantness' or whatever). It's a history argument, though, nothing more.

The hard fact is that we're getting dangerously close to a flashpoint, similar to what triggered the War for Independence. The powers-that-be in Washington don't believe it, which is a shame.

Someone once said that history repeats itself. She doesn't just repeat herself, she clouts you repeatedly about the ears while yelling, 'ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?'.

James said...

LOL Drive-by asstalkers. Gotta love 'em. It's all they got. They were born losers and have lived as losers. It is all they know. Unless they pull their heads out of their rectal cavities they will surely die as losers.

What is it that makes most of the people clear-headed and reasonable yet others like these asstalkers be so danged stupid? Was it the lack of breastmilk? We can at least thank God that they are only a fringe element.

There will always be a small number of reprobate like the one you heard from. It is certainly only ONE, don't let him convince you otherwise. There aren't that many real asstalkers out there.

If there is no cure for them, there is certainly a remedy for what ails the rest of us because of them. We will be happy to administer it to them when that time comes.

Frank said...

I figure the government has to pull off a few more Randy Weaver style raids and David Koresh church bombings before the balloon goes up.

I don't want to go to war. One good shoot-out and the thrill of fighting goes away. it is nothing that anyone with an ounce of sense would want. On the other hand, if it needs to be done, better me than my son, nephew and nieces, and the kids in my neigborhood.

awhile ago, I read in here that we'll all have to die, but the question is how we'll die. I'm willing to do my part, but hope and pray that this mess will pass before the bullets fly, the bombings start, and the blood flows.

Devil Flea said...

Chris said...
"What these retards don't understand is when the shit hits the fan and the shooting starts, LIFE AS WE KNOW IT ENDS."

Uh ... Chris? Isn't that the whole point? Or are we to continue in life as we know it ... and ... are you okay with that?

Anyhow, this whole name calling business is really unnecessary. From both sides. Calling everyone a "coward" and such, is akin to "he said she said". Just to play the devils advocate here, while these guys jumping the "now" may mean well ... and be wrong ... they probably realize that they are so in the minority, it would be suicide for them to "start now".

And you "now" guys ... frustration is an emotion. For myself, I understand your frustration. But you need to keep it "somewhat" in check. There will be no place on the battlefield for emotions. After the shooting stops ... it is okay to let it out.

Just think of them as your ruffled uniform, scuffed boots mavericks ... and when you can, take them under your wing. I bet you some of these guys will surprise the hell out of you when TSHTF. (At the least, be good for one of those "suicide missions".)

Whether "they" shoot first or not ... it's gotta happen sooner or later.

For now, just keep getting the word out.

Allen said...

you have to be the Sons of Liberty before you can be the Continental Army.

I can only surmise that those that scream for war have never seen it or even understand what that means.

they THINK they understand. they've read a few Mack Bolan books and watched the history channel. they may have even played paintball a few times.

they need to spend a week or so down at the VFW. buy a few rounds and ask the vets there what combat is really like. mr. chickenhawk, be prepared to be thrown out on your ass a few times before you get the real stories.

and remember..these were troops that were usually supported in the field with artillery, air cover, medevac of some kind, supply lines that extended back to safe factories in the states. which we will have none of.

the only other conclusion I can come to is that Mr. Chickenhawk either wants to die in some sort of suicidal sacrifice to liberty ...or WANTS the war to start because they are agent provocateurs in the original sense of the word.

Dedicated_Dad said...

Again, the "Rifleman's prayer" comes to mind:

A Rifleman’s Prayer

Oh Lord, I would live my life in freedom, peace and happiness, enjoying the simple pleasures of hearth and home. I would die an old, old man in my own bed, preferably of sexual overexertion.

But if that is not to be, Lord, if monsters such as this should find their way to my little corner of the world on my watch, then help me to sweep those bastards from the ramparts, because doing that is good, and right, and just.

And if in this I should fall, let me be found atop a pile of brass, behind the wall I made of their corpses.

The monsters are here - like us, They Are Everywhere - and they grow and become more entrenched with every passing day.

I've never experienced war, but I have fired and been the (lucky) target of shots fired in anger. I've seen men, women and children die in ways natural and horriffic, and I've breathed air redolent with the stench of rotten long-pig meat.

In other words, I have an idea of how things will be, and I'd do anything in my power to prevent it short of allowing The Enemy to complete his destruction of our Republic.

God help us...


Don S. said...

"I keep reading all these armchair commandos running off at the keyboard, well jackoffs, where were ya'll at the RTC rallys, time to put up or shut up."

I heard that, I see all the bluster and bravado... but little action to back it up, hell they can't even show up for a simple RTC Rally, I imagine most of them will be sitting in their foxholes crying and sucking their thumbs when the bullets start flying.

The time for blusterous talk is at an end... pony up or shut up!


Anonymous said...

"The Times report's war in the Crimea. Young Men are growing beard's and strut as if on parade. Generals pat their paunch study maps and dream of glory.Old Veterans sip their whiskey stare into their fires and mutter"Damm".

Concerned American said...

MarPat underoos?

Who's selling 'em?

Uh...they're for a friend.

Yeah, that's right.

Anonymous said...

MarPat underoos?

Who's selling 'em?

Uh...they're for a friend.

Yeah, that's right.--CA

Ha! The self-deprecatory humor is most welcome.

Infighting becomes demoralizing after a while and morale is essential for the maintenance a resistance movement.

Thanks for helping to keep it loose. :^)


EMWONAY said...

Seems like there is alot of chest thumping and unnecessary BS going on on both sides of this argument. Can we all move on and continue learning and prepping now? I could be wrong but I don't think anything is kicking off tomorrow. This kind of bickering is of design and is intended to keep us from focusing.

Let's just move on and focus on using each day to the fullest to learn something new and improve old skills. Honestly, we are not in much control as to when it kicks off as I have come to see it. Let's move on already and stop giving these peolple our attention. If they are serious, they will too.

BTW, I am sorry for any part I may have played in some of the comments I had made,(pro kicking it off), I just want to see this situation we find ourselves in taken care of. But it is a process and you can't jump straight to the end.

Justin said...

I don't want to start a war.

I don't want to kill or die.

I want to be left alone.

I seriously, seriously want to know what is meant by this:
"We are not backing up another inch."

Can someone answer this question? Please?

I have followed SSI for a while now, and we've backed up three or four since then.

Now, did the window war constitute a response appropriately scaled for the socialization of our healthcare?

Does not backing up another inch mean not backing up without an appropriate response, does it mean willful disobedience, or does it mean active pushback?

Can some of you give me your thoughts on this? I am not trying to be a simpleton, a moke, an asswipe, a rambunctious young pup, or anything else creative minds can dream up to call fellow freedom lovers.

I am asking to be educated, not humiliated and made out to be a fool.

So, can someone give me an opinion on the meaning of the above phrase?


Kerodin said...


I think it is for each individual to answer the question for himself and his family.

What is your line in the sand?

When it starts, whatever it may be, every American will have to decide if it is time to enter the fray.

Odds are that there will not be a singular, coordinated, physical nationwide move by Government egainst Patriots. More likely there will be an event that is localized and of sufficient magnitude that many Patriots around the nation will choose to step up and display their moral support...which will fuel the fires and invite Government to respond in AO's across the nation.

Of course...who knows?

Jefferson articulated a considerable list of injuries to the colonies in the Declaration, and every post of casus belli and statement of not one more inch lends itself to our modern justification for the ruckus, whenever and however it may begin.

I think I am not far from correct when I say that most in the III Community have drawn a hard line at their doorstep. When/if LEO comes through the door, it's on.

Sadly, as is human nature, even in the III Community, there will be a great many instances of yielding to encroachments that do not directly affect me. The III'per in Maine must weigh carefully the value of heading to the town square with his AR for another full-body scanner in a Chicago airport...

Ultimately, it all comes down to each individual and where he draws his line...

Anonymous said...

I am not trying to be a simpleton, a moke, an asswipe, a rambunctious young pup, or anything else creative minds can dream up to call fellow freedom lovers.

I am asking to be educated, not humiliated and made out to be a fool.--Justin

I meant no offense by calling you a rambunctious young pup. I was one once.

As I grow older, it takes longer for my injuries to heal. This necessitates my being more selective as to when, where, how who and why I fight.

It also adds an element of desperation because my stamina is diminished, as well. The fight must be well-planned, quick and ruthless or it will fail.

To some, my reticence may look like cowardice. I sincerely hope this is not true.--MALTHUS

Not Anonymous said...

Everything Justin said.

I'm really all done with being called a chicken hawk, first by the smug, snarking leftard cowards, and now by the folks I should admire to call my friends and allies.


"Sadly, as is human nature, even in the III Community, there will be a great many instances of yielding to encroachments that do not directly affect me. The III'per in Maine must weigh carefully the value of heading to the town square with his AR for another full-body scanner in a Chicago airport...

Ultimately, it all comes down to each individual and where he draws his line...

August 31, 2010 12:00 PM

If so, they will mop us up, one by one, and we will all die to no good effect. Or we will individually decide it's just not time yet.

Sad, indeed.

Do we have so little "unit cohesion," or simple common agreement upon what constitutes the straw that breaks the camel's back, that we know not when, or even how, to act in some sort of concert? Do any of you really think that 300 skilled and determined "gray men" can secure the outcome in favor of Liberty?

I was given hope when I first encountered this site and the whole concept of the Three Percent. All credit to MVB, very sincerely, for his scholarship, understanding of history, his steadfast and courageous stand and for his educating and encouraging the rest of us.


From the comments here of late, it's going to be a clusterfuck of fatal magnitude. I don't want to write history or philosophy on the walls of the gulag.

No "Ft Sumpters?"

No Solzhenitsyns, either!




Happy D said...

Interesting that they question Mike's courage. While posting anonymously.