Thursday, August 26, 2010

From the Casus Belli Department: The increasingly irrelevant Paul Helmke asks "Who Could Oppose Closing Gun Show Loophole?"

Just me and a few million of my friends, Paul. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.


Sean said...

Christmas is coming. The time of miracles. When wishes can come true. I'm hoping Tactical Santa brings me something hairy this year.

Anonymous said...

Great pic. That guy looks like he is squeezing his cheeks hoping to get rid of you and make a mad dash to the Port a John. The jacketovertheshoulder for a devilmaycare attempt to appear in control of the situation didn't work.

Speaking of gunshows I make all my best Threeper contacts at the ones I attend. Also the VFD chicken bbqs and the Legion if I stop for a beer. I think I'll have some cards printed up with my contact information on them for the next time.

cj428 said...

The feds want to force me to sell my rifle to A F.F.L. for 30-40% less than what itrs worth, or pay A fee for running the rifle through his book. A lot of the gun shows in S/E Michigan already ban anyone but F.F.L.'s from setting up tables, that display firearms for sale. I was told to leave A show, because I made another attendee an offer on A rifle that A dealer was tring to buy for half its value. Most area papers will not accept Ads for firearms.

Taylor H said...

I don' think 'careful' has ever been a part of their vernacular.

Defender said...

Every gun show gun buyer a registerd gun buyer. Soon after, inheriting guns will require taking them to the police station, registering them and waiting to be judged worthy to receive them back ... unless they get "lost." That's the case in some states and cities already. Cities OWNED by violent criminals.
The police and ATF will run sting operations to net the last gun transfer registration-resisters, and innocent people will be killed.
Who could FAVOR closing the freedom and privacy loophole?

J. Croft said...

Use the net is up.

I don't like gun shows anymore. Too many feds and cops hoping to introduce innocent people to their legal system. I'd go for magazines or maybe some ammunition but buy a gun...

Better is networking and making a gun trade/buy/sell circle. What is that? A free market. Be most judicious in who you allow to join, don't ask questions so you can't be made to answer.

Anonymous said...

And the collectivists and talking heads will cheer at the deaths of innocent Americans, and praise the killers as "doing the right thing."

Makes me ashamed to wear the uniform....

Anonymous said...

It's all fun and games until somebody pokes your eye out!

Anonymous said...

what a pic Mike, mean while he is thinking, we going broke, oh crap what will I do? Maybe these guys can protect me from the bad guys, boo hoo,

G3Ken said...

Defender spoke of registering "inherited" firearms. The way I see it, when you inherit something, the previous owner has DIED. Who knows what Dad or Grandpa did with his gun collection? There were no guns when I went to his house after the funeral.

Slobyskya Rotchikokov said...

FWIW - almost every major city will have online listings for classified want ads; there are also 'swap, sell, trade' mags with online components, like here, we have the Thrifty Nickel; and local online gun sales, via sites like ArmsDeals. You can often find a regular individual in your area who just wants to get rid of a good firearm for a decent price. Some guys are wanting to buy a new toy and their spouse says, not until you get rid of some that you already have. Some guys are just tired of a certain gun, and still others are getting rid of a certain caliber or type, trying to get their cash together for that new AE 50 or the Barrett that their cousin wants to get rid of.
Most of such guys are happy to have your cash, and don't care about your name or anything else. And in the deals I have handled that way, have not yet run into anything weird or suspicious, just regular people. So that may be a better alternative for actual firearm deals, than gun shows.

Defender said...

G3Ken, I don't understand why anyone would go through that procedure either. To be that afraid of getting in trouble with the government for having done NOTHING is a red flag that indicates a need to educate oneself.