Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have been asked if I will shut down the blog.

I will not.

I am an adult.

This is serious business.

Though it appears I am about to lose my best friend over this Nazi suck-up Baugh, and my heart is broken even as I pray that I do not -- I WILL NOT CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT BAUGH AND HIS COLLECTIVIST SNAKE OIL.

This is a matter of principle and I will not concede the point that allying with racist collectivists like Stormfront, Nation of Islam, and the white supremacist Edwards as Baugh maintains is anything other than self-discrediting, self-defeating, and a betrayal of the Founders' Republic.

Anything else that such people say, no matter how well it is couched in "reasonableness," is mere window dressing to seduce the credulous. And I have been at this business for too long to be sucked in to any "alliance" with such an unprincipled huckster. To do so would be to make my entire life since renouncing collectivism a lie.

Those of you who disagree are free to do so and go elsewhere. Last I heard, Baugh's looking for some muddle-headed acolytes. As I said before, I am not looking for disciples. If I was interested in being popular I would have picked another vocation.

I intend to carry on.

Even if no one else agrees with me.

Mike Vanderboegh


Anonymous said...

Good for you.

As a matter of principle I will read your stuff everyday.

Vival La Revolution

Anonymous said...

I check in twice a day to your fine blog and will continue to do so for as long as the internet is left on, Carry on good Sir!



Oldfart said...

I didn't think you'd shut down the blog. You make pretty good sense... most of the time. I can't say I agree with you 100% but I don't agree with any of the others 100% either. I've coresponded with you from time to time but I can't say that I "know" you anymore than I "know" Bob Wright, Alvie Zane or Tom Baugh. I think you all do 'some' good work. It's up to me to sort the grain from the chaff and I try to do a proper job of it but I'm sure everyone else would think I come up short in some respect or another. That's life.

So, on the the important stuff: When's the book coming out?

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned you both have the right to speak your minds. if someone choses to or not to listen/read that is their prerogative. While Baugh chooses to associate himself with the nazi white supremacist's all it will do is discredit and marginalize him into irrelevancy.

While I thought he made some points I didn't agree with everything he said. Mike, you make a great argument that would be hard to debate on most every thing I have read here. If everyone would be agreeable on every subject there would never be any conflict in the world, would there.

Those of us who read here and else where need to think critically for ourselves and stand for our principles.

Keep the faith.


Ironwill said...

Why would you be asked to shut down the blog? You know the old saying: "Opinions are like assholes... everybody's got one." Everyone just agree to disagree and get on with it already. What are we, teenage girls?

Defiant3per said...

Don't ever betray your principles. It is better to stand alone and be right than stand with others and know you are wrong.

Anonymous said...

I guess I wouldn't waste anymore of your bandwith on Mr. Tom Baugh. The more that is written the more his status is elevated. it is just a law of power, plain and simple.

Frank 3

Chuck Martel said...

The Neo-Nazis and the Fruit of Islam are made for each other. As for me and mine, we will cling to our Bibles and our Constitution.

Pat H. said...

The founders republic was betrayed in 1787.

The US Constitution was a betrayal of the American Revolution.

Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson spoke to that fact and warned their contemporaries about it. Both James Madison and Thomas Jefferson gave us the methodology of preventing the worst of the betrayal from progressing to what we have today.

Lincoln oversaw the deaths of almost one million Americans to remove what Madison and Jefferson gave us.

You can't restore what never was.

Anonymous said...

What person asked that?!?

Gentlemen, it seems that this has officially gotten out of hand.

no one expects you to change your mind. It is obvious that your opinion of Baugh's work and ideas is of a fundamental and structural nature.
It also seems that his opinion of your work and ideas reciprocates yours of his.

Fine, we get that. I have almost never agreed completely with anyone myself.

I now direct this to all of your readers who might be looking on;

Fine Guys, so either you agree with Mike's position on this or you do not or you are somewhere in the middle.

None of that invalidates anything he has said up to this point, the vast majority of which has been insightful and informative.

There is no call of him to shut down or for us to go away.

I will continue, as I have in the past, to look upon all of the offerings of this sphere and take away what of value that I can.
I urge the same to the rest of you.

This is starting to seem like a large group of Celts. This kind of thing is historically, what let the English keep us under their thumbs for so long.

-Bubba Man (one of the Bubbas of the Apocalypse)

drjim said...

Hang in there, Mike. You're a very valuable beacon in a sea of madness to a lot of us.

AlphaWolf said...

mike i invite you to read my last post over atmy blog, http://musingsinthewilderness.blogspot.com/
it has been a while since i did anything over there but I think it fits ,( that last post), and is just something to think about( I know , preaching to the choir)

Maddawg308 said...

Keep up the good work, Mike. Don't let the others get you down. We are in the fight of our lives right now, and though we may have disagreements amongst each other about who is right/wrong, we can't give up and lose sight of the greater threat. Even if it means giving up a few friends along the way, you never know what friends you will gain down the road. God bless,

CorbinKale said...

I'll be standing with you, Mike.

I never met Baugh, but from conversations with people I trust who have talked with him, he is a little too gleeful over the prospect of a lot of people dying.

Allen said...

allies of racists are no allies of mine.

keep up the good work sir


Lamb said...

Mike, tell them to go f*ck themselves sideways! You are in the right here...to align ones self with a group or person whose beliefs/opinions/tenets are in direct opposition to your own character and morals is a defeat...a surrender. The beliefs some of those idiots have are also in direct opposition to the ideals of the Founders of our great Republic as well.
Do not surrender.
Do not turn Quisling.
Do not stifle your opinions because of those bastards.
Keep up the good fight!

Anonymous said...

When it all comes down to it on the battlefield there will only be two main groups fighting each other. There will be a lot of diversity in those two groups. If either group is consumed by in-fighting then they have already divided their ranks and they will be conquered easily by the enemy. The same principle applies in an election when a third party is on the ballot, for the votes of one party is split while the other party wins the election. Unity in NUMBERS during battle is key for success whereas unity in IDEOLOGY only needs to go as far as agreeing who the target will be during the fight. When the basic order is "blue coat shoot red coat" we don't have time to be arguing about the different shades of red or blue among us.

Standing with me right now may very well be people who belong to sub-groups having different ideologies, but their bullets will be going in the same direction as mine. Again, using the example of an election, we want all votes for our candidate regardless of who casts them. For that particular moment, I will set aside my personal opinions about that person and be glad to have them on my side.

After the battle is over everyone on the winning side will go back to their sub-groups and the bickering among them will start. It won't be enough for them to have won that battle against the enemy, but they will also want their ideology to win out over all others in the same camp. Perhaps this is the natural order of things, but now is not the time to be bickering about ideology. There will come a day for that, but that day is not today when unity is needed.

Justin said...

Good, don't shut it down.

I will point out, however, that the Founder worked with racists to found the nation. They deliberately allowed for race-based slavery in order to break away from England.


The founders locked arms with racists to form the "Founder's Republic". Do I agree? Doesn't matter, it happened. Do you question their judgment in this? Should we have remained a colony? Well, I for one am glad I'm not a British subject.

My point in saying this is not to defend or justify one point of view or the other, but rather to point out that there's more to this than you are allowing for.

You need to let this issue die, so we can move on. Yes, it is your blog, and you can say whatever you please. While you are not "in command" of any of us, you are, in a way, a kind of de-facto leader, or at least a public spokesman for a movement that is infinitely larger than yourself and your opinions.

You need to realize this and look to where your responsibility lies. You can keep hammering on this point, or you can move on and contribute to the fight.

Don't shut down the blog, though. That's dumb. Please don't turn it into nothing more than a Baugh-Bashing site.

Whether you choose to allow this post of mine to be posted or not, I know you will read it and I hope you think about what I have said concerning your de facto position and larger responsibilities.

Can we move on? I value much of your information.


Reg T said...


You aren't acting like an adult. I know you won't post this, but it is a shame. You've accomplished what the SPLC, ADA, and the MSM couldn't - you've marginalized yourself and everything good you have to say by this childish inability to let go of your anger towards Baugh.

While you are at it, take the time to thank yourself for making Pete think he has wasted precious time trying to get the message out to those of us who needed the info, the wake-up call. I'm going to be quite upset if he shuts down his blog. Yours use to be a source of inspiration to me also, but unfortunately, that time has passed.

I only hope reason returns to your arsenal of weapons one day. Until then, you have disarmed yourself.

Justin said...

Forget the other post I sent you. Here's what is important:

Good, don't shut it down.
You need to let this issue die, so we can move on. Yes, it is your blog, and you can say whatever you please. While you are not "in command" of any of us, you are, in a way, a kind of de-facto leader, or at least a public spokesman for a movement that is infinitely larger than yourself and your opinions.

You need to realize this and look to where your responsibility lies. You can keep hammering on this point, or you can move on and contribute to the fight.

Don't shut down the blog, though. That's dumb. Just please don't turn it into nothing more than a Baugh-Bashing site.

Whether you choose to allow this post of mine to be posted or not, I know you will read it and I hope you think about what I have said concerning your de facto position and larger responsibilities.

Can we move on? I value much of your information.

While this fight was raging, I hit the weights, read an economics book, and showed my children this (the best definition of freedom I have ever seen):


I also played "army" with my kids, and continued teaching them the principles of moving, covering your buddy, and communicating.

The wife and I had a discussion about our homeschooling plans for this year, and how to incorporate principles of freedom and responsibility into the plans we have made.

No matter how much this issue is bugging me, those things I covered in the past few days are my responsibilities as the de facto leader/spokesperson of my family. The analogy is not perfect, I know. Take it for what it is worth.


MrMorden said...

Do. Not. Stop. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Carry on Mike. We're here and everywhere. We read you and listen to you because you speak plainly (and eloquently) about our history, heritage, and duties. We also pray for healing and good health.

Jocassee said...

I for one would be gratified if you and Pete, at least, could come to some sort of terms and continue your cooperation and friendship. You are both more valuable working in tandem.

James said...

Shut down THIS blog? BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! Tell him to put down those mushrooms.

This is where I come ten times a day as to not miss anything and for an opinion that reflects most of REAL America and my own.


As I said earlier Mike....we are in this fight with the Lord and I'm pretty sure he has a hefty dislike for Nazi's! I sure don't aim to piss of the Lord at least not on purpose! I'll stay on the side with the light shining on it if'n ya'll don't mind. Thanks for standing there with us brother!
Semper Fi Matt III

EMWONAY said...

Who the Hell wanted you to shut your blog?? Lol

If this blog goes down, I will assume that you are being "Waco-ed" and that my services are needed in Alabama... Lol.

Dennis308 said...

If you keep writing, I keep reading and sometimes commenting, When I got something to say which is most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Roger that, I read this every day or I feel like I am LOST, well almost. Keep typing, this III supports your efforts.

Mayberry said...

I think, if y'all had actually read his book, you would understand where Baugh is coming from. I'm thinking "alliance" is not quite the right word, more like "using to one's advantage". Just my opinion.

Dakota said...

I never suspected for one second that you would stop. The thought never crossed my mind, you have never been a quitter.

Like I said in my original comment, "trust your instincts .... you have rarely been wrong, I will back you whatever". I do not do that lightly, I just know the man behind the screen. I also trust Bob Wrights thoughts and opinions.

We've all been doing this for too long to change our minds about the "players" out there that support a distorted American revolution as a way to bring about their own agendas and hatreds. I will have none of it either .... same old song and dance ......

Fat Baldy Caver said...

Keep up the great blog

Anonymous said...

Mike understand that there are many with you, do whats right and God will reward you.
Your writing has encouraged and educated me and I trust you to be a man of principal and someone dedicated to freedom and willing to act to help the restoration.
Your honesty about your concern over losing your friend is just another example of you being a sincere man and not a liar.

Dan Galena said...

Hey....well I agree with you.


WarriorClass said...


You are doing the right thing here and your position is righteous. Justin correctly pointed out that the founders worked with racists; WE don't want to repeat that same mistake.

I have read Baugh's book and at best it is infantile. He would like everyone to believe that he has actually read The Wealth of Nations, but he has only a kindergartner's understanding of economics and it shows big time. He also berates the Bible, another Book he has never read, or if he has, never understood it either. He clearly hates Jews and Christians, describing them as snake oil salesmen or fools. It's a shame that so many here buy this guy's snake oil, for clearly he uses it frequently when feeling himself. And it feels so good! Just ask him.

Bob Wright was on the money with this guy, and had that insight without even wasting his time with Baugh's Spanking his Monkey. Wish I had Bob's insight, would have saved me 20 bucks and an hour and a half. If your readers really are that desperate to learn economics I highly recommend starting over at the Von Mises Institute. Google it.

I stand with you, brother.


Kevin Patrick said...

It may be better to stand alone, Mike, then to compromise your principles. I don't know.

But you don't have to make that decision.

There are many of us who will stand with you at New Lexington.

--- KP

Yippeya said...


Nope, keep it going. We are at a very dark time in our nation, I think we are probably doomed, but I have not given up hope yet, I kind of hate using that word now. A large amount of people are waking up. I read your blog and find it comforting, in a desperate kind of way. Racism is wrong. Although the powers that be seem to be driving a wedge between the population of the US, on purpose, I still try to judge a man by there actions, not the color of there skin, although its getting harder and harder. Keep up the fight, and may God bless you and yours.


Dan III said...

I'll continue to stand with you, Dutchman.
Your past has brought you an insight that many of us may lack, even though we all love this thing called Liberty.
Siding with those who oppose Liberty is no strategy.

The folks who mention "freedom of association" are rather simple-minded:
A) There is also the 'freedom to disassociate' and
B) Associating with odious figures reflects on you.

Would those defending free association associate with, say, NAMBLA, simply to drum up #'s?

hkgonra said...

This reminds me of something I heard years ago. If we could get the KKK and the NAACP alone on an island and let them kill each other off the rest of us would probably get along just fine.

Anonymous said...


Many of us agree with you. Racists are not now, nor should they ever be, our allies.

They are tyrants and despots themselves b/c they do not believe that men are created equal.

Don't stop what you're doing. History may end up calling you the 2nd Revolution's Sam Adams; an honor I'm sure you understand.

God bless,
Sean King

PS. I really like your blog....but I'm no disciple either. I think we all need to grow up and be big boys and decide we all make our own decisions.

Anonymous said...

Sipsey Street Irregulars are nearly an hourly site I visit. We need good people stating their mind on where we are headed as a nation. Keep up the good work. Tennessee III

Anonymous said...

I'm not leaving, you've helped open my eyes.


MamaLiberty said...

Hang in there Mike. Friendship is very dear, but integrity is priceless.

We are known by the company we keep. You must choose with whom you associate... and so must your friend.

God bless you.

Kyle Bennett said...

I disagree with you in part - though I don't know enough about Baugh to have an opinion on more than his general political orientation - but I can't imagine dropping a friend over it. If I stopped reading everyone I had some picayune disagreement with, I'd be left with shampoo bottles and cereal boxes... and even the cereal boxes would be on the bubble.

chinasyndrome said...

I missed this whole deal.But Nazi racist.Nah.Stick to what you been doing!If a man gives up his principles he has nothing!


Anonymous said...

Mike, you still need to read "No Treason", Lysander Spooner. "Your constitution" is/was a scam and a fraud by big gov proponents, wish we could go back to it but it won't happen. Baugh has good points as you do. Your name calling do you no credit. We all lose.

Yank said...

How easy it was to divide us all against each other.. HMM.

Hang Tough Mike.

Snappy Sammy Smoot said...

>>> Made an effort to post this at Pete's... have no idea if it will appear there. <<<
Since for some reason I have been on CA's "crap list" for a while ( I assume this is so, due to never having replies to the last three emails I sent to him ), I have no idea whether my post will be allowed. But what the heck, why not try one anyway?

The saddest thing about seeing both sides to such disagreements is being unable to help the parties to cease building walls which will, in the end, only encourage patriots to 'take sides'
I can see the desire to encourage people to read the words that others may offer - even such obvious adversarial writings as those of Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Marx / Lenin. The rationale behind this, however, assumes that all of those in one's audience, who are being thus encouraged, are of sufficiently formed principles and rock solid foundations, so that they do not drift into whatever error the writer may also espouse.

For exactly the same reason, those who would vehemently admonish others to AVOID reading / hearing or associating with such people, are trying to watch out for the 'newbies', fresh recruits, fence-sitters, who may be easily swayed by the skilled delivery and smooth words of someone whose agenda may eventually prove totally destructive - either by accident or by plan.
An example, of course, would be a man whose smooth style, fiery delivery, strong projection of personal charisma, and 'people skills' persuaded the masses to follow him blindly. That man could have been Adolph Hitler... or Barack Hussein Obama. Does anyone doubt that their charisms influenced the open-minded and the naive to follow blindly into whatever Hell they envisioned?

Thus it is that two men with opposing views yet one common goal, are set at odds.

The violent Sam Peckinpah film, "The Wild Bunch" opened with a chilling sequence which I never forgot. A group of cruel, demented young children, apparently budding sociopaths, had grabbed two scorpions and set them facing one another, knowing that they would engage in mortal combat. They placed them on a fire-ant hill, so that the ants would attack both scorpions. Then they used fuel and matches to set fire to the anthill, so that the scorpions and ants all died.
For some reason, the nihilistic ghost of that scene is haunting me these last two days.

Sean said...

By all means, keep blogging. Me? I'm going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'll keep reading your blog, but we're not going to be giving each other back-rubs or anything. You know where to find me, I'll be around.

TJP said...

Only two more steps to, "...then you win." Keep up the good work, Mike.

Anonymous said...

Now that everyone has said their peace, let's get back to work.

Rollory said...


One can not be reasoned out of a position that one has not been reasoned into.

I have still not seen any explanation for why what he is talking about qualifies as collectivism. There was some guilt-by-association and some pointing out that he (Baugh) was interested in talking to unsavory characters. That doesn't make him a Nazi. It doesn't instantly disprove the things he says that seem on their face to be true. It doesn't refute Concerned American's points about the credibility gap, and why Baugh's comments on the subject were worth considering.

Either one believes in reasoned argument, or one does not. The Left doesn't.

Teleguitar player said...

As much as I appreciate Mike's blog, the emotional posturing..the elevation of a difference of opinion...the investment of personal capital in what is in relation to the 'misunderstanding'....

Someone is making a tempest in a teapot..for what reasons, I do not know...but it is disappointing.

When your efforts are counterproductive, I guess some people want to redouble their efforts....and to what end?

Beats me...

Randall said...

Give 'em hell sir.

III more than them said...

A man has to stand for what he believes in, IF he rally knows what it is he actually believes. That's an extreme position to reach, for some people - knowing where they stand. It takes THOUGHT, and because I agree with Clemens that "the reason so many people get lost in thought is that it's unfamiliar territory", I accept that there are a large number of Americans that really don't know where they stand, and don't know that they don't know!

If I have a doubt as to the veracity of my beliefs, I'll listen to others to help myself clarify things. Otherwise, I stay put.

As for friends, if I lose them it's because they did something to me that I can't allow to happen again, or they walk away because of whatever reasons they think are important enough to do so. You just can't help it sometimes. It's a sad thing. But if maintaining relations with someone requires you to dunk your principles, well, wish them well as they leave.

...and pray for them....

Benton Crusader News said...

Amen, Brother!

Anonymous said...

Don't quit, Mike, that would give too much credibility to the racist.

Be yourself, because that's who a lot of us trust.


Dr.D said...

keep to your principals Mike!!


Devil Flea said...

Gentlemen ... you know who you are ... if you just can not stand the thought of not getting that "one last dig in" ... imagine yourselves on the battlefield. There will be leaders, and there will be followers who WILL be expected to do as they are told. And there will be no room for getting your "one last dig" in.

YOU ... can help ... Mike ... to let it drop ... by shutting the hell up with your "one last dig".

And to the fool up there who said there are only going to be 2 sides shooting at each other. Hell, reading some of the comments on this blog tells me there are going to be many fronts. If/when this thing happens ... it will be, in the beginning, a mass culling of the HERD. And your enemy will be whoever IS shooting at you ... from all sides.

This is NOT going to be some nice and neat clean cut American revolution. Nor is it going to be some nice and neat clean cut second American revolution. Choose your side now, there will be no room for traitors in the ranks.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I agree with you Mike.

monkeyfan said...

Keep on keeping on Mr. V.

If this shit were easy the whole of mankind would be living in peace and liberty.

Saber said...

I read your posts every day also,and will continue to do so.Stand by your principles Mike!

John in MI said...

Since I am new to the threeper internet culture I must have missed what was so wrong about Baugh's speech. Sure, I see fallacies in some of his reasoning, but I don't see what caused such an online-war.
Some of his points caused me to think about things I had not previously considered. Does he support Nazi's?

This whole thing reminds me of a commment a pastor told me once when I disagreed with some of the theology advanced by a certain preacher: My Pastor said "Eat the meat, and spit out the bones".....

Anonymous said...

I'm not up on what happened here, and I doubt I have much to add to what others have said. Don't like that it happened, though.

earthman92 said...

Blah blah blah Racists! Blah blah Blah Nazis! Blah blah blah KKK!
Nazis to the right of me, Racists to the left, KKK under every rock!

You guys have jumped the shark into irrelevance.

Anonymous said...

Is it the right thing to do to associate with Racists and insane islamists?

Is it the right thing to do to "use" the above groups to reach my desired outcome regardless of circumstance?

Is it unreasonable to "suspect" one that proposes such behavior?

I know where I stand, The answer is NO to all of the above.

I believe to suggest anything else is NONSENSE.


Bad Cyborg said...

Hang in there Dutchman. There's work for you to do yet. You articulate what so many of us believe and think.

Your words resonated with me from the first time I read them. Baugh's opening in the video made me ask WTF?? I haven't read "Monkey" but nothing I've read of his since has caused me to alter my initial assessment one iota.

So what if there're a few nuggets in Baugh's writing. You have to wade through much self-serving SHIT to find them that it hardly is worth the time.

Hang in, Mike. Take care of your feet. Watch your blood sugar. At least TRY to follow Dr.'s orders.

Oh, yeah. Is "Absolved" about ready for the printers? And when can we expect to get a chance to buy a copy?

aughtsix said...

Mike, I owe you, very significantly, for opening my eyes and educating me. You have always seemed to me to be a man of insight and integrity, thoroughly grounded in his beliefs and steadfast in defense of Liberty. Please keep to what you do best.

I hope never to have to do without this blog. Until the day of days.

There have been plenty of "let it goes" above.Plus 10 from me on that. You and Pete are a synergy, greater that the sum of the parts. I bounce back and forth from here to there and am the better for it.

Baugh, or almost any other single individual, isn't worth it.

Thanks for all you have done, and all that you are going to continue to do.



Anonymous said...

Groupthink: "is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness, and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit of group cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in choice and thought that might normally be obtained by making decisions as a group. During groupthink, members of the group avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking. A variety of motives for this may exist such as a desire to avoid being seen as foolish, or a desire to avoid embarrassing or angering other members of the group. Groupthink may cause groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts are set aside, for fear of upsetting the group’s balance. The term is frequently used pejoratively, with hindsight."

EJR914 said...

If its between your blog or anyone else's blog, THE CHOICE IS SIMPLE! Your blog is one of the best I have ever found on the interent and none will ever replace it. I will read it until it ceases to exist.

With that said, never shut down your blog until it is on your terms. Don't ever compromise your principles. You are Right and Righteous to continue your blog and to stand fast to your principles. That's why I like your blog so much. You are a man of principle and I respect that more than anything.

Keep doing what you do, Mike, and I will continue to read your blog and love every word of it.

Anonymous said...

I only recently came across this blog and I haven't contributed anything, so my opinion as an outsider won't mean much. But here's my two cents: People who've never even thought about what to do when faced with the horrifying circumstances America now finds itself in are now (or should be) beginning to consider what to do and whom to align with if we reach a worst case scenario. Any group that espouses racism will be immediately dismissed in the minds of those seeking guidance and information in this uncertain time in history. I say this simply because so many tyrannical governments of the past have selected their victims by race.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, I thought collectivists were the ones who required absolute agreement on every idea they have? Dissent must be squashed. "We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." Our side is the one that can have friendly disagreements and still work together, right?

We need you, and the Founders Republic needs you... and Codrea, and even the Baugh's of the world. Regardless of the idiocy of some of his ideas, he might just have a few that are worthwhile (someday). We can't win this fight without a broad range of ideas. Take the best ones and leave the rest.

A movement that is marching in lock-step on everything would be no different than those we fight. It would also guarantee we lose.

Peace and keep up the fight.


Anonymous said...

Stick to your guns, Mike. Many of us who have been at the 'principled approach' to life have lost friends over similar philosophical differences and know that it will likely happen again in the future. The hurt never really goes away. That's part of what this fight is about, not compromising on the important principles through observation of how folks handle issues. It's telling and important for us to be constantly aware of folks making sacrifices of principles for seemingly important issues.

Be thankful you could see it and do something about it. My friends are determined by the principles they keep, not by the issues they do or don't support.

Onward and upward.

Bob Katt

Anonymous said...

Mike you have made your point that you will not associate with the racists. I understand why you are so against that idea but move on. Its over. We dont have to have ideological purity in our "big chow hall". Dont split ties with Pete over this its not worth it. Acknowledge that you have different opinions and carry on.


Anonymous said...

Reading the comments here, it is evident that a few readers of this blog still do not "get it."

To review: This conflict surfaced when Tom Baugh questioned the value of Mike's work and attempted to undermine it by substituting his "black hats" as the more credible alternative.

Mike "outed" Baugh as lacking credibility because of his willingness to collaborate with NOI and Storm Front scum.

This put WRSA's credibility on the line as well because "Concerned American" has endorsed Baugh.

This presents a problem. If Mike were to accept Baugh's admittance to the ranks, it would allow SPLC and others to accuse Threepers of being associated with racists.

This would destroy Mike's credibility (which seems to have been Baugh's goal) and bring the constitutional restoration movement to a grinding halt.

Bob Wright, whose operational security capabilities ought not to be underestimated, detected a rat and put a necessary smack-down on him.

Some have misinterpreted this dust-up as being an abstract argument about intellectual liberty. It is not that at all; it's an existential issue bearing on the foundational purpose of the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog site.


tjbbpgobIII said...

Mike, how does that old saying go, you are known as much for your enemies as by your friends. I will go try and read that "monkey" shit again but I didn't get much out of it the first time. Keep up the good work Mike.This is the first blog I read and it has sure opened my eyes, no matter how much I may disagree at times.

Dan III said...

Thank you for the summation @8/25 7:36, MALTHUS.
Any friend of a Racist ought to be labeled as such.
We don't want that.

Anonymous said...


You have made public your distain for and principals concerning racist groups and certain religion(s).

You have made arguably hateful, uninformed and unfounded comments about certain individuals based on these “principals”.

You have also stated publicly that you yourself are a Christian.

Maybe you could blog about the moral justification and backing for thees principals of hating haters, and judging others; from a Christian standpoint.

I look forward to further reading.

Thank you.

Happy D said...

I do not think I want to join the Baugh shirts.
So if you do not mind Mike I will stay here.

Anonymous said...

Attempts to discredit ones adversary with text taken out of context, and name calling only brings discredit upon ones self.

How can we take anything written her about “the enemy” seriously now?

Anonymous said...

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The hammer needs to realize that everything that appears to be a nail, not necessarily a nail. Remember how wrong you saw everyone else when you were a collectivist? And now that you're on the other side, maybe you're still doing a little too much lumping together of legitimately different groups and individuals. Not everything is a nail.

Anonymous said...

I hate Nazis, Skinheads and all affiliates or allies of their perverse Fascist, Socialist, Racist ideology.

They and their ilk are enemies of the Constitution, plain and simple.

Keep up the good works,
Dirk C.

Anonymous said...

"Those that mind, dont matter! Those that matter,dont mind! " Never give up, never back down! We the three,we are gaining support and strength and numbers,the day is comin Mr.V,we need you now more than ever. Bubba MI IIIper

TypicalClinger said...

Ditto x81. When does the book come out???? I WANT THE BOOK!!!:)

TPaine said...

I'm in your corner, Mike. Integrity is a cornerstone in a man's life. If you don't stand fast for the things you believe in, you really didn't believe in them anyway. When you are ready to put friendships aside if they compromise that integrity, it says a lot.

I've been up here for a long time, at first a lurker, and reading your novel, which got me hooked. But I think a lot like you, and I stand with you on your principles. Never compromise your values. Stick to your standards. And never shut down this blog.

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Mike and gentle readers of his blog. Recent developments here have revealed that the emergence of a "schism" in any movement are all too easily exploited by the forces of human nature. Without further ado I would hasted to refer all readers to this posting as well as the comments.

We are all in this together and the insistence on doctrinal purity only lessons the chances of the survival of our Republic.

Kerodin said...

The enemy of my enemy is my...ally?


Means to an end?

As with everything else in life, the answer is yours to give.

What is your line in the sand? Don't ask me, it's your line.

The entire concept of a Leaderless Resistance is predicated upon individuals and small groups acting independently toward a singular objective. That means that you think for yourself, act for yourself, and ultimately stand alone with only yourself to judge your life and the decisions that you have taken.

Or God will judge you, if you are so inclined.

The constant is: You.

You will decide if you will fight for Liberal Collectivism, in any of its flavors, or for Founding Principles.

You will decide if you fight along bigots.

You will decide if you will fight alongside religious tyrants.

You will decide if you will ally with anyone whose ultimate goal is to supplant the Status Quo with their world vision.

You will decide if you will make temporary alliances with the enemies of your enemies for tactical advantage.

As a Patriot, I am committed to the Founding Principles of the republic. Patriots will not abide directed violence upon innocents, especially violence driven by Statist, racial or religious agendas. Racism and religious intolerance are every bit as dangerous to the republic as is Liberalism...they are all different flavors of tyranny.

Patriots will kill tyrants, and those who strive to be tyrannical. While you get to choose how you will live, I am free to choose how I will live...and in my AO, bigots and zealots are every bit as bad as Liberals. And if you are fighting alongside the Liberal, bigot or zealot in my AO while on my watch...too bad for The enemy of my enemy is my...ally?


Means to an end?

As with everything else in life, the answer is yours to give.

What is your line in the sand? Don't ask me, it's your line.

The entire concept of a Leaderless Resistance is predicated upon individuals and small groups acting independently toward a singular objective. That means that you think for yourself, act for yourself, and ultimately stand alone with only yourself to judge your life and the decisions that you have taken.

Or God will judge you, if you are so inclined.

The constant is: You.

You will decide if you will fight for Liberal Collectivism, in any of its flavors, or for Founding Principles.

You will decide if you fight along bigots.

You will decide if you will fight alongside religious tyrants.

You will decide if you will ally with anyone whose ultimate goal is to supplant the Status Quo with their world vision.

You will decide if you will make temporary alliances with the enemies of your enemies for tactical advantage.

As a Patriot, I am committed to the Founding Principles of the republic. Patriots will not abide directed violence upon innocents, especially violence driven by Statist, racial or religious agendas. Racism and religious intolerance are every bit as dangerous to the republic as is Liberalism...they are all different flavors of tyranny.

Patriots will kill tyrants, and those who strive to be tyrannical. While you get to choose how you will live, I am free to choose how I will live...and in my AO, bigots and zealots are every bit as bad as Liberals. And if you are fighting alongside the Liberal, bigot or zealot in my AO while on my watch...too bad for you.



Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone with a liberal education can help the rest of us understand the nature of a "collectivist". We can wager a guess, but the authors may have different opinions. Are we talking about unions? Chinese slave labor factories? How do we recognize a "collectivist"? Examples from history?

Anonymous said...

"To review: This conflict surfaced when Tom Baugh questioned the value of Mike's work and attempted to undermine it by substituting his "black hats" as the more credible alternative."

They're not "his" black hats. Just because he is the one to describe the phenomenon does not mean it belongs to him, or that it does not exist.

"Mike "outed" Baugh as lacking credibility because of his willingness to collaborate with NOI and Storm Front scum."

This is not how lacking, or losing, credibility works. Facts are facts. It does not matter what else the person pointing them out has to say. If they say something that is true, its truth is independent of other things they may say.

Frankly I am amazed at how many blind sheep there are on here. It's enough to shout "RAAAAACIST!" and everybody goes stampeding off without a thought in their pretty little heads. Y'all could be Obamatrons for how uncritically you fall for it.

Reminds me of the Children's Crusade, actually. Probably with similar results.

Anonymous said...

While I disagree with you about Blackwater/Xe (foreign PMC's will be the primary confiscators if SHTF), I trust your judgment explicitly on everything else.

If you say this Baugh guy is trash, I'll take your word for it.

Oh, and don't shut down this blog; you are the voice of reason in a very heated environment (your Fort Sumpter warnings particularly)!

Anonymous said...

They're not "his" black hats. Just because he is the one to describe the phenomenon does not mean it belongs to him, or that it does not exist.--Anon@8/26

The phrase is of his own choosing. I find his white hat/black hat argument to be unconvincing but there is no question as to where he positions himself.

This is not how lacking, or losing, credibility works. Facts are facts. It does not matter what else the person pointing them out has to say. If they say something that is true, its truth is independent of other things they may say.--Anon@8/26

There are no brute, autonomous facts. Facts have relevance only as being part and parcel of a world-view. Baugh's world-view embraces anarchism and minimizes the value of law. The truth value of anarchism is a debatable proposition and not, as you seem to suggest, an axiom.

Clearly, propositional truth exist independent of the character of those espousing it but I suspect you make this point because you have already conceded that Baugh's character is suspect.

Frankly I am amazed at how many blind sheep there are on here. It's enough to shout "RAAAAACIST!" and everybody goes stampeding off without a thought in their pretty little heads. Y'all could be Obamatrons for how uncritically you fall for it.--Anon@8/26

Thanks for stopping by to offer your superior wisdom to us poor benighted sheep. ;^]