"Second Amendment rights against members of Congress, I mean, what is that supposed to mean?" Reid said. "I believe every member of the United States Senate, and I know them very well, are all very patriotic."
Riiiight, Harry. Actually, I think he has a pretty good idea about what that means, since he are one.
I believe the US Senate is patriotic too. They love and long for their mother country, the Soviet Union.
I believe every member of the United States Senate, and I know them very well, are all very patriotic.--Harry Reid
First, let's define our terms.
Patriot: noun
1.a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2.a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, esp. of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
3.( initial capital letter ) Military . a U.S. Army antiaircraft missile with a range of 37 mi. (60 km) and a 200-lb. (90 kg) warhead, launched from a tracked vehicle with radar and computer guidance and fire control.
Now, using definition #2 (I am aware of no scale that would measure the "love" and "devotion" standard set forth in definition #1 and definition #3 is too parochial to be of much use) does this statement pass the "smell" test? (Warning: I fudge definition #2 a little bit so as to make the declaration seem more bold. After all, why be bashful about your patriotism, Senator?)
"I believe every member of the United States Senate, and I know them very well, are all favorably disposed toward individual rights, and opposed to increased interference by the federal government."
Cast in this light, Reid's statement looks more like a satirical skit than an honest declaration of belief and practice.
The list of Senators who are not "domestic enemies" is shorter than those who are.
Let's start with the roll call of votes for TARP, ObamaCare, among other unconstitutional (obvious to any dogface soldier or 9th grader who has read some of our 18th century founding documents) over-reaches.
Mr. Reid is very good at getting reelected, but has been co-opted by the Beltway and has forgotten from where his delegated power originates.
This is unfortunate.
I think we're starting to get their attention now.
God bless - and protect -- Sharron Angle and other leaders of the Restoration.
I am an Angle-ican.
Reid DOESN'T understand what a "domestic enemy" is.
The simple explanation is an "enemy" who is a US resident or citizen.
What's an "enemy"?
The dictionary shows that an "enemy" is "one that is antagonistic to another; especially : one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent."
The term "enemies foreign & domestic" refers to enemies not only of the American people, but to the Constitution of the United States.
Members and affiliates of the "Socialist International" are overtly ENEMIES of the Constitution of the United States.
There are nearly 6 DOZEN members of the "Democratic Socialists of America" in Congress, including the VT senator Bernie Sanders.
Reid, may "understand what the Second Amendment is". Simple enough, it's a part of the Constitution. That said, Reid either doesn't understand what it means, or he opposes it, which makes him an antagonist to the Constitution.
Which means HE is also an "enemy", & since he's a US Citizen, he's a "DOMESTIC enemy."
Angle's only problem is that she needs to quit apologizing & retracting & saying "that's not what I meant."
It's reactionary and gives the advantage to Comrade Reid.
You summed it up, nicely. They have forgotten who they serve, and they have forsaken their Oath to the Constitution.
They think that they can spot "domestic enemies" by looking out the window.If he has a problem understanding the term of "domestic enemy," he can simply look in any mirror.
If that doesn't clear the matter up, drag Pelosi over to it and then he can see two (Barak would make three) examples of "domestic enemies" and "traitors" to the formerly Constitutional republic of the United States of America.
I got a whole list of 'em!
Nothing but love for 'em.
Compare and contrast this statement:
"EVERY member of the United States Senate, and I know them very well, are All very patriotic..." with Chris' observation that, "There are nearly 6 DOZEN members of the "Democratic Socialists of America" in Congress, including the VT senator Bernie Sanders."
Clearly Reid's premise is invalid because the avowed socialist Bernie Sanders is a US Senator and socialists are hostile to the private property order that the Constitution was established to protect.
LMAO I am tired HARRY outed the finger (SNAP) easy to snap and nail to a stump to provide an unaddressable time to ponder.
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