Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Panicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if poor rise up."

Super rich hedge fund managers are buying 'secret boltholes' where they can hideout in the event of civil uprising against growing inequality, it has been claimed. Nervous financiers from across the globe have begun purchasing landing strips, homes and land in areas such as New Zealand so they can flee should people rise up. . . Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes.


AaronW said...

Unless they've studied to become pilots, how are sure they that their ticket to a strife-free area won't simply bail on them, fail to show, or use the aircraft for only themselves?
And once they land in their safe haven, are they prepared to accept that person, their family and baggage as indefinite guests?
That said, I've felt for a while that a sudden and otherwise inexplicable emptying out of private jet hangers and yacht marinas would be a short-term indicator of something very bad on the way.

Anonymous said...

Its a good thing they have police and military forces to impose their will. As awful as Mao, Hitler, and Stalin were, they themselves personally killed only a very tiny, tiny portion of the total killed.

Anonymous said...

And that's all in the hope that the awake sector of America doesn't get this out of control, police state gov't back in it's control. Because when it finally does (and I have no doubt this country will someday be a constitutional republic again) there will be no hiding from the Nuremberg-type trials awaiting them. And for all those types reading blogs like this to gather intel on us, you guys remember: "I was following orders" was not taken as a legitimate excuse in the first Nuremberg trials and it won't be in the next. "I needed a paycheck" , "I have a family" or "they would have killed me" will also be no excuse. So the more murders you commit, like Hastings, Breitbart,Crowley and false-flags you're behind, will only serve to solidify the evidence for lengthy prison terms and hangman's nooses.

Joe said...

The Bush family "bailout ranches" in Paraguay are well documented. The grounds also include housing quarters for a full-time security staff.

Orca Windbag has bailout retreats both in Telluride, CO and in Maui, HI.

TimeHasCome said...

It should be noted that while the middle class was bailing out the banking and hedge fund class the real middle class are losing everything . The suicide rate has been skyrocketing .This is a deliberate under reported story that will never make the press.
The rate among whites is the most markedly increased up 60% since 2007.
It's time for thick ropes and stout trees limbs to put the fear of God back in our betters.

Galaxie_Man said...

I don't need to get away to a hideout. My house and my neighbor's house together is an armed and supplied compound, that looks like just 2 unassuming houses until the SHTF. With a few others coming to join us we will keep the unprepared, marauding bands of EBT dependent Obamabots at bay for a long time. I plan on stacking the bodies like a New England stone wall along the road, just like Leonidas did with the dead Persians at Thermopylae in the 300 movie.

jon said...

sounds like they just watch too many movies.

poor people don't do anything political that they're not paid to do, and they're paid by special interest organizations, and those are funded by rich people.

the poor do not simply "rise up" against wealthy fellow A unless wealthy fellow B makes it happen.

that said, perhaps we are returning to a shadow of the holy roman empire, after all? no compound survives without a thriving industry around it -- a market within the castle walls. invest in granite and concrete.

Anonymous said...

New Zealand? Hell some there already have the LISTS ... WE are everywhere ...

Gun Owners from EveryTown!

Kiwi III

HappyClinger said...

So they know what they're doing is not serving the greater good, and they're scared. Rightly so.

Knuck said...

Galaxie Man, I like your plan. I am a big fan of Vlad the Impaler. Cut the bodies into pieces and decorate the countryside. Romania was not a "superpower", but they sent a clear message. Don't fuck with me! I have a buddy. I asked him,"What is your plan?" He said," I am going to kill the first looting,murdering dirty bastard I see and then I am going to eat them.' I said," That's a fucked up plan,but it is a plan."

Paul X said...

Hideouts of the rich will become obvious targets for any and all mobs in the area (lots of food, gold, and other stuff to be had there). The last thing I would want to do, is hole up with those bozos, because it will get ugly when their defenses are defeated, as they inevitably will be.

Anonymous said...

It won't save them...

Knuck said...

Great point about the emptying out out of hangers and marinas. Money does not make you have street smarts. Street smarts,being aware of your surroundings at all times. Always armed and capable are not store-bought. You have to earn them. The goose that laid the golden egg story. These arrogant assholes thought that they cold strangle the goose and still have all the perks.What they never figured out was the whole machine working is predicated on talented, capable ,moral and just people being able to do their job. Without getting fleeced. The crumbs that "they' allow the serfs to have, is too much for these pricks.

TheBohunk said...

They are going to be very disappointed in their hideouts when they find out there isn't a dry cleaner and sushi bar nearby.

Anonymous said...

The Elite can fly away, but eventually they ALL have to land.. The new sport to be catching them when they do...Why would anyone let the people who HAVE VICTIMIZED the general population for so long, get a free pass? Our condition doesn't come from being poor and the 99.5%, our conditiond is because of the mega greedy mega criminals turning us into the Hunger games..

Sign me Neal Jensen

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind history fellas. The Bolshevik Revolution and Marxism thrived on "class warfare" the common US citizen, whose average salary per year is $50K, the doctor making $200K is "rich"....and the media is doing all it can to unravel our unity. The mob will support taking from ANYONE who appears to have more than it rather than focusing on the truly wealthy who have bought our government and sold the rest of us into servitude and slavery.