CCRKBA says it will support bill to repeal I-594. Really? Watch out, because Workman includes these weasel words:
Does Shea’s HB 1245 create false hopes for Washington rights activists? Possibly, considering the odds against getting the majority of lawmakers to go along, after which Gov. Jay Inslee would likely veto any repeal.
People speaking up, calling out the fake "leadership" and the Bogus nature of "compromise" and snapping about the undermining effects of Negotiating Rights Away + Supporting Another Fundraiser is demonstrating its power and authority.
Keep it up Folks! Stand up to the enemy within, tell the truth about those using the cause of Liberty to enrich themselves while trading away Rights that do not belong to them in the first place. They grow scared of the power of telling the truth!
Hey Mike, here's a interesting take on the three percent -
" I have seen disarmists attempt to do so by saying that they are only 'three percent of all guns' or similar arguments."
The subject matter is interesting as well. Illinois has state preemption but this "local law" was grandfathered in when preemption was passed. My take - "assault weapons and large capacity magazines" ban falls while not touching state preemption (almost like it was set up to do precisely that).
I thought you would get a kick out of the three percent thing. Is it a profound misunderstanding of the three percent movement or is it a direct attempt to undermine it by confusion and misdirection via misinformation? Me tinks da latter....
It should be noted that the Washington legislature in the House is controlled by Democrats (some of which who support gun rights) however the Senate is controlled by Republicans(most if not all support gun rights,& you can throw in a few democrats in the Senate as being pro gun rights too).
Even though 594 got a majority in the state mostly from King County, it failed in just about all of the legislative districts in the east and many in the west.
This happened even though many gun rights supporters didn't vote because of the confusion create by 591.
The anti gun rights people IMHO will have a very hard road to travel to get anything to the governor desk just as the pro gun rights people will have an impossible task of getting anything beyond that desk.
"Does Shea’s HB 1245 create false hopes for Washington rights activists? Possibly, considering the odds against getting the majority of lawmakers to go along, after which Gov. Jay Inslee would likely veto any repeal."
Should this really stop us from trying to see it passed and see 594 repealed?
The threat of a paper tiger is what we should fear and therefore, never try to repeal it?
Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Calls For Confiscation Of Modern Firearms
Votes in the House and Senate create 'lists' of for and against, traitors are revealled for future targeting (in elections - ofcourse!) so that lists can be made, checked twice and such furute action as may be required can be planned.
Without the Bill being presented that cannot happen.
Oh - and it just might pass if representatives know the cost of voting against it! Nothing like the thought of being jerked away from the trough to concentrate the political mind ...
"there is no 100% guarantee we will why fight? let's compromise with the enemy!" said no general in any war, EVER.
Old Senator Dirksen had a saying that seems to apply to Gottlieb:
"Government is a matter of heat and light. When I feel the heat, I see the light."
(I believe this is the complete quote, although I can't find verification on the Internet. But I believe I actually watched him say it on TV long ago.)
@ Paul X; RE: Heat/Light
I see a paraphrase of that attributed to Reagan:
"When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat."
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