Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spread of 'knockout' game highlights people's need for 'high capacity' magazines

Granted, the sorts of young thugs whose cowardice tends to dictate that they choose lone victims, while themselves numbering sometimes in the dozens, would seem unlikely to continue to press an attack as their would-be victim fires 10 shots into their fellow predators, it would be a mistake to expect any rationality from the kind of creature who finds entertainment in brutalizing innocent people. The only prudent course is to be equipped stop all of them.
See also, Thomas Sowell: A Very Dangerous Game
Some in the media, as well as in politics, may think that they are trying to avoid provoking a race war by ignoring or playing down these attacks. But the way to prevent a race war is by stopping these attacks, not trying to sanitize them.
If these attacks continue, and continue to grow, more and more people are going to know about them, regardless of the media or the politicians. Responsible people of all races need to support a crackdown on these attacks, which can provoke a white backlash that can escalate into a race war. But political expediency leads in the opposite direction.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. I suppose this "knockout game" could work the other way around. How many rounds can you get in 12 odd assailants before they hit the ground? Finally a practical application for the race gun crowd. :D

Happy D said...

Only a matter of time before one of these thug mobs run into someone equipped to deal with such an assault.

Then get ready for media reporting that will make the Zimmerman trial look like an exercise in unbiased journalism.

ag42b said...

For those of us who have previous brain injury, and plates or other protective devices in our skulls, "knockout" could easily be fatal. I wonder what the mainstream media will say when some "misguided youth" kills someone essentially for "fun". Especially when the "misguided youths" run in packs. Perhaps some nice armed private citizens will offer escorts to disabled people who are unable to carry and shoot safely. Only in a perfect world, I guess.

Anonymous said...

"Only a matter of time before one of these thug mobs run into someone equipped to deal with such an assault."

"I suppose this "knockout game" could work the other way around. How many rounds can you get in 12 odd assailants before they hit the ground?"

I saw where someone blogged about this last week (in less graphic words) and got flayed as being a Racist. By Kerodin! And Nye!

Anonymous said...

Well, all I can add to this, is if you get caught up in a "knockout game", and can shoot your way out, then DON'T call the po-po. Just walk away.
Two of the four Esses:

B Woodman