Saturday, May 18, 2013

Winston Churchill is rolling over in his grave.

"Rural council votes to stop flying flag of St George claiming it is offensive to town's 16 Muslims because of links to Crusades."


Anonymous said...

Since comments are closed at the Daily Mail, I'll post here:
Some Brit citizen (as opposed to a panty twisted whiny serf) needs to sneak in and raise a white surrender flag on the unoccupied flagpole. Repeat often.

Also, citizens need to raise the St George flag on their own properties. Then knock the next person who comes to complain with a cricket bat.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

When the time comes in Formerly Great Britain that the Mullahs are mandating burkas and genital mutilation for their wives and daughters they will deserve it. I hope they don't come whining to the USA for guns like they did in WW2 because we won't have any to spare.