Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Good question.


Anonymous said...

If you look at the thermal image of the gunfire at Waco you can see the heat of the machine gun bullets being fired into the building. Maybe the FBI should be banned.

Jimmy the Saint said...

Those kids were effectively made "enemies of the State" (even though their safety had previously been the big justification for the raid) and therefore of no consequence. That's the nice thing about having a lapdog media - if you're the government, you're never wrong. Even when you are wrong, you're portrayed as right.

Roger J said...

Even Rush Limbaugh got aboard the Clinton-Reno Waco Express. The impression I had in 1993 was that the Admin, the media, and talking heads thought the 'Waco Wackos' had it coming to them. It disgusted me then, and the intervening 20 years have not moderated that disgust. I hope I live long enough to see a Nuremburg-type tribunal for the criminal-officials who authorized that massacre.

SWIFT said...

"Maybe the FBI should be banned". Oh no, keep them together as their day is coming. Just hide your women and children until then.

Anonymous said...

For those who do not understand this as the truth, it is because they do not understand what it means for the government to have a monopoly of force. Not to mention, that they can not imagine that the government and their media toadies would control the narrative and ever lie to them.

Anonymous said...

But lie they have.

Like the lies they told about those we left behind in North Vietnamese custody...

Seems to be a convenient habit, benefiting themselves.

Your ultimate target here is the media. None of this is possible without them and now, they very much hope to avoid being noticed. Seems they can't get far enough away from Obamacare, Gunwalker, irs's complications, Benghazi, etc. See, they wanted all of it to happen, worked diligently to make it so in fact but they don't want any of the blame for what follows... So that they can continue to play the same games over and over again.

It's fun and profitable to manipulate people but only if you don't get caught or blamed for it. When that happens, you start looking for other places to live, elsewhere in the world, where people don't know you or what you did. Don't think they don't worry about that from time to time because they KNOW or at least fear what will happen should it all come out.

Which is why they are making noises about bloggers and licensing free speech. Some of them have started dribbling in their depends, it seems...

Anonymous said...

Where was the outrage? It was being directed at some stupid Pro athletic game.
After all, 'murican Idol notwithstanding, the typical 'murican TeeVee viewer is more concerned with what the fuck some moronic Kardashian is wearing today than if their door is being kicked in by a Swat team. This is why there will NEVER be a groundswell of public outrage over USG transgressions. They just don't give a flying fuck..that is..until some LEO murders one of their own.
Frankly, for them..they deserve what they get.