Friday, May 31, 2013

Unbelievable. Uniformed thugs complete burglar's mission for him.

Police confiscate gun from homeowner for firing shot at burglar


SWIFT said...

Mr. Thompson really needs for this to go to court. People are sick of crime. It is my belief that he would win, then he can sue for enough money to buy 50 AR-15's, or a couple full auto guns of his choice. Even if the local judiciary system drops the charges, sue anyway. Color of law and official oppression by police is illegal. HE deserves some really good toys. Level the playing field, so to speak.

kenlowder said...

But wait, he was just following Joe Biden's directions and fired a warning shot. Oh, my bad, he didn't use a shot gun. He used one of those big, ugly, dangerous, black assault rifles. Criminal cops needing to get shot. We need to look at shooting done by police in that area and use their logic as to whether they should have shot a suspect and charge them accordingly

Anonymous said...

Sad state of affairs when the best outcome is to be forced (by idiotic state laws) to either let a guy break in and take your things, or shoot him and kill him and then tell your version of events so that it will be "justified".....instead of safely discharging your weapon to scare him off in the first place.

Too bad the politicians have tied the citizenry's hands (worse that we've allowed it) and cause people who never would want to take another human's life to rethink that position. Sad.

AJ said...

Never, ever, fire a warning shot. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

All thugs are the same,Although sometimes I think the larger blue gang is the most dangerous. Disease should be treated.

Anonymous said...

I shot a burglar 3 times about 1 1/2 years ago and the police told me that I should have killed him. A moving target is hard to hit but a 20 year career as a criminal puts the crook on the cops short list.

Jimmy the Saint said...

@SWIFT: "People are sick of crime. It is my belief that he would win, then he can sue for enough money to buy 50 AR-15's, or a couple full auto guns of his choice. Even if the local judiciary system drops the charges, sue anyway."

Unfortunately, any monetary award just comes from the local taxpayers, not the police. There really is no way to punish the government by way of a tort claim.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, any monetary award just comes from the local taxpayers, not the police. There really is no way to punish the government by way of a tort claim"

FINALLY! someone other than me gets it!

if we want this shit to stop we need to have the teeth to go after those who stomp on our rights PERSONALLY..
we need to be able to take the cops house and boat, and his wifes ring etc.., or Judge, or prosecutor etc, who ever it is that stomps on our rights... or there will never be any teeth in this for us and not a dam thing will change and all of our rights will be stomped to death..quicker then you can change a magazine