Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More progress on the Colorado magazine smuggling conspiracy and some health news.

We're up to slightly more than 60 magazines now toward our goal of 100, with the receipt of several AR mags and 20 -- yes, twenty -- brand new, in-the-wrap, H&K 91 twenty rounders over the weekend from one patriot alone. Also, one of the AR mags came from Lubbock packaged with a small collection of brass and some "West Texas dirt." Loved it! I also cannot thank my readers for their generous voluntary subscriptions lately. They will make the Texas trip possible.
On the health front, I am now scheduled to get a procedure done after I return from Texas on 6 June to try and clip off the pinhole leak just below my gastric-esophogeal junction. Should this work (and there are various technical challenges why it may not) I can begin to heal the old J-drain hole in my back which intermittently for the past year has blown gastric contents and trapped air out my back. Yeah, I know, pretty gross. Especially when I emit the gurgling sounds of a mini-geyser. ("Oh, don't mind me, I'm just farting out my back.")
Keep me in your prayers, folks. I'll keep soldiering on as long as God feels He's still not done with me yet.


king krazy said...

Remember after the AWB expired in 2004? People had all the time in the world to get what they wanted. I went hog wild. Now I sit and watch the mob go crazy when a little foresight would have saved a lot of money and grief. To prepare for a disaster you must do it before it happens. I suggest now is the time to anticipate the next mess. Something big is coming down the pike.

armedlaughing said...

You are always remembered in my prayers, Dutchman.


William Flatt said...

Mike, I'm prayin' for ya too. We all have our crosses to bear and I prayed that my own health challenges would be overcome with His good grace. I sincerely pray that you will stay with us long enough to see victory against tyranny. If not, may he call you home in your sleep after an especially happy day.

Anonymous said...

You are the best of what we all should be Mike. Praying for you.

Edwin III

Matt in Lubbock said...

The Pmag looked lonely. I grabbed the first thing I thought you could use, and filled the box up. You got some nice uncleaned, unsorted range brass. When I posted it, the box shat dirt all over the USPS counter.
I work in a hospital/xray. I know exactly what you are going through. I too, will be saying a few prayers for you.