For the last three weeks I have received the mail to the post office box in bundles every Monday morning. Then I will get nothing until the next Monday, then another bundle. At least they took off the rubber bands this time. Back in the 90s they didn't even bother doing that.
What else would one expect from FedPig?
A man is known by his enemies.. you're standing tall.
Just in case this is being monitored, those doing the monitoring are cordially invited to suck on a turd.
Just to be sure, offer to pick up your neighbor's mail. Then mail letters at the same time to yourself and your neighbor. If they get their mail first then you know for sure.
Go to and sit down with the local postmaster and explain why he's aiding and abetting criminality that you're going to forward to those in congress that are investigating felony gun running by government.
Really, do this with a witness.
Mike, They are only screening your mail for anthrax and letter bombs,their trying to protect you. Why do you always have to be so suspicious,,,LOL Insanely.
Good. Let's hope they catch something interesting and you go away for a long while
Wonder if Lanny Breuer came up with the idea?
"Really, do this with a witness." Or by registered mail, return receipt requested. Check the "Deliver to addressee only" box.
It's the same courtesy they'd give you if they wanted to be sure you got the mail they sent you.
Anonymous at June 20, 2011 8:20 PM has proven that blog comments can be fun and educational. Could you please enlighten us on the legal principle that causes an individual to "go away for a long while" based on an item of unsolicited communication from a stranger? I'm sure it must be in the Constitution somewhere, if you could just point it out for me that would be great. Thanks.
I'd blame it on their new powers but as we have come to know, they do what they want to do, when they want to, and nobody says boo!
I would interpret that to mean, that they have been given congressional and judicial approval. All of which means that we are on our own.
Can you mail yourself one of those spring snakes in a can of nuts? Mark it with "Important Classified Information"
I'd pay money to see the FBI open that one up.
Kinda makes you sick to think that some judge somewhere said they had enough PC on you to get a search warrant. The judiciary is a joke.
For Pat H:
As if the local postmaster actually gives a damn about that. Just who do you think is going to prosecute him? Eric Holder? Janet Napolitano?
May they rot in hell for what they have done to this country.
You are doing something right-please keep it up.
Mike, I'm going to write a letter to you that says simply, "Fuck you." Know that it's not intended for your consumption. And if anyone here wants to join me. . .
Yeah, and I sent you $tuff with my real return address and all. Of course with a C&R license, they know where to find me anyway.
1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments are still in effect at my house.
They may even think I'm a criminal - I KNOW they are!
Dammit, just when I send you a subscription fee, those bastards start screening your mail! I hate to think one of those FBI dudes will be buying his drugs with the bills I sent you....
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