Monday, June 27, 2011

At the hospital ---

Rosey's already under the knife and I'm in the waiting room taking my mind off things with the laptop.


J said...

with you both in spirit and prayer-
you have my # if you need me.

Polumetis said...

Our prayers are with her

Sedition said...

I wish her well. If she's having it removed due to stones, she'll probably feel like a million bucks after it's gone.
I spent a year either curled up on the bathroom floor in a fetal position from the pain or driving the porcelain bus puking my guts out until they finally diagnosed my with stones...and LOTS of them.
Yanked that bad boy out and it was more pain and I could eat things that use to make me speak in tongues of vulgarity.
One word of warning, however...she will have to be careful of what types of fatty foods she eats.
When my daughter got an award for A-B honor roll that year, we took her to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and I wound up getting the most decadent multi-chocolate fudge monstrosity that could be created. the time she finished hers, the rumblings began. I estimate, given the elapsed time from consumption, that the fat-laden chocolate beast had transversed my digestive tract at an estimated speed of Warp Factor 6 and the race to get home began.
I learned 2 things that day. 1) I had a sphincter of steel and 2) you CAN drive standing straight at a 45 degree angle to increase the pucker factor. I DID make it home safely, but the aftermath was not pretty.
Best of luck to you both and remember...NO CHOCOLATE BEAST ICE CREAM MONSTROSITY.

Florida Guy said...

Still praying for you and yours.

Robert said...

All the best for you both.

ranamacar said...

You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Hope she has a fast recovery, so she can get back to putting up with you ;>)

Ray McKee said...

We're praying here for you both.

TXGunGeek said...

MV, to answer an earlier post and as a bit of encouragement... The mrs had asked me early on why you were bookmarked. She didn't really "get" your 3% gig and was not really interested in reading about it. Since you broke gunwalker and devoted so much time to it she has started reading SSI with regularity and now more than ever understands the erosion of our rights and the important work you have done and are doing. So to answer your earlier post asking if you should continue and was it worth it to focus on gunwalker, a RESOUNDING YES! Thank you for your work and know our prayers are with you both at this time of need and really always.

Anonymous said...

Waiting is the hardest part. Prayers sent.


brian said...

Praying that all went well

Sean said...

I will ask G*d to bless both you and her, and prosper and keep you. III.

catotheamerican said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hope she's OK Mike,
