Monday, June 27, 2011

At the Akron Air Show. Classic aviation, new message.


Lazy Bike Commuter said...

Nice. I was thinking the same thing when my wife and I went to the Air Force Tattoo in Dayton on Friday.

The TSA had metal detectors there before anyone could go in.

Why exactly does the military need the TSA to keep them safe on an Air Force base?

Dave said...

It's a message from above, in more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

"Why exactly does the military need the TSA to keep them safe on an Air Force base?"

Why indeed. Perhaps they heard of some trouble at Ft. Hood but aren't quite sure what to make of it.

Mark Matis said...

I suspect I know one pilot whose FAA license will receive close scrutiny in the near future...

PalmettoDrew said...

I think that's a Ryan PT-22 "Recruit." Old pre-war training plane.

Cormac said...

someone should have shot the traitor down, you should not talk about your President like that, just shows you to be a traitor.

Lazy Bike Commuter said...

Why are anti gunners so violent indeed.

Once again it is proven that they care neither for the first nor second amendments.