Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pardon the delay, but I am now on the ground at the Bundy Ranch operation.

Didn't get in until I had been up for about 27 hours straight (no sleep on the planes because of screaming babies, sitting in an aisle seat and being mugged by lurching passengers and kamikaze beverage carts driven by insane stewardesses -- Delta, what can I tell you). My first few hours on scene were very instructive. Oath Keepers is doing a great job supporting the security operation with logistics and other support. Plenty of Oath Keepers and Three Percenters in the group. There is also an outer encampment that seems to be inhabited largely by fruits and nuts. The EBGs (evil bad guys) are certainly testing the perimeter and playing all sorts of psywar games -- which is being handled by competent folks in the security detail. The problem is that there are now too few to rotate out for rest -- and it is important that folks be fresh when faced with the various threats, especially those generated by the fruits and nuts. (Stewart Rhodes, who brought me from the airport around 0200HRS, immediately took over a post from a fatigued trooper for the rest of the night.) There is no margin for error, so fresh bodies are needed. Folks who have been holding back because of the uncertainty generated by some of the disinformation and press antics by the fruits and nuts need not worry. There are competent people in charge of the inner ring. My laptop's ability to mesh with wifi has gone by the wayside as I wasn't able to get on the Net at the Columbus and Atlanta airports. Now, having reported in, I'm going to get something to eat and then crash.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for actual eyes and ears on the scene for some reporting other than than incessant jumbled crap and rumors that constitute most of what's been available.

Anonymous said...

So it would seem that the federals have not set road blocks and disarmament check points....yet.

Carol Elmer said...

The Waco siege lasted 19 days. 19 days from Sat., March 12 is May 1.May Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. (Wikipedia). It is also World Communism Day. Human sacrifice is demanded on Beltane Day by Satanists. Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place. Be aware.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. Stay frosty. You are doing God's work.

Anonymous said...

Mike could you expand on the "fruits and nuts" comment. Many of the people I meet there last Sat. were not in full battle garb, but seemed passionate about the cause. Supporters are supporters no matter how they are dressed or look like. I am sure all levels of Bundy supporters have Feds within their ranks even Oathkeepers and especially militia groups , you can bet your life on that.

Anonymous said...

Carol - Try again, this time with a calendar. Or maybe someone tore 30 days of "April" out of yours?

FedUp said...

Carol, the assault on the Branch Davidians was on February 28.
The arson was April 19.
That's 50 days apart.

Anonymous said...

Get together with fellow thorn in the police state's side Will Grigg if possible. He is there now. You two have a lot in common and Grigg is a great guy!

Heck, there prob aren't too many 270 lb Hawaiians around Bunkerville, so you might find him just looking around! He already has one report up from there:

Anonymous said...

Are the "fruits and nuts" enemies, hippies or just people that you wouldn't trust to have your back?

Allen said...

ah yes, we used to call it the "botany problem" AKA fruits, nuts, and plants.