Yes. Matter of fact, the first time I really paid attention to the word "Progressive" was in the old fifties movie "The Bamboo Prison". After seeing that I got the correlation between Progressive and Communist.
Arizona Senator John McCain is a Manchurian Candidate. Every decision he makes is in furtherance of some socialist progressive agenda that can only be explained by anti-American brain washing.
As above. They have changed the meaning or implication of words used in their destruction agenda. Such as progressive when they are actually regressive. Such as tolerant and open minded when they are tolerant and open minded only to their own ideals. Anyone who disagrees with them is intolerant, closed minded, bigoted, and racist.
I have to thank the U.S. Army. For the schooling they gave me. Regarding liberal/ progressives/ collectivists/ Marxists / communists. Didn't get the opportunity to take them out in the FROG. They forgot to explain to us .That they were well entrenched in our homeland ! Behind enemy lines.
Manchurian Candidates, whoda thunk it anyone with enough sense to actually look for themselves would have know years ago he (Insane McCain) was one, but people got hung up on him being a veteran and wouldn't hear anything else.........Enough said.
Yes. Matter of fact, the first time I really paid attention to the word "Progressive" was in the old fifties movie "The Bamboo Prison". After seeing that I got the correlation between Progressive and Communist.
Arizona Senator John McCain is a Manchurian Candidate. Every decision he makes is in furtherance of some socialist progressive agenda that can only be explained by anti-American brain washing.
As above. They have changed the meaning or implication of words used in their destruction agenda. Such as progressive when they are actually regressive. Such as tolerant and open minded when they are tolerant and open minded only to their own ideals. Anyone who disagrees with them is intolerant, closed minded, bigoted, and racist.
I have to thank the U.S. Army. For the schooling they gave me. Regarding liberal/ progressives/ collectivists/ Marxists / communists. Didn't get the opportunity to take them out in the FROG. They forgot to explain to us .That they were well entrenched in our homeland ! Behind enemy lines.
Manchurian Candidates, whoda thunk it anyone with enough sense to actually look for themselves would have know years ago he (Insane McCain) was one, but people got hung up on him being a veteran and wouldn't hear anything else.........Enough said.
Sign me, Neal Jensen (Im a veteran)
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