Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Current-serving Army LTC and Small Wars Journal contributor, having taken an oath to defend the Constitution, solicits a very large and bloody civil war upon the nation he swore to protect.

The following essay is sponsored by 
The One Hundred Heads Life and Casualty Company. ;-)
LTC Robert Bateman, sticking his tongue out at the Constitution and the American people. (MBV Note: The original image provided with the post was of another LTC Robert Batemen, not the author of the Esquire column discussed below. My apologies.)
Reacting to this story, "Hoover police charge woman, 28, with murder in shooting at Iron Bowl party," a current-serving United States Army Lieutenant Colonel has come unglued in the blog pages of Esquire on the subject of firearms confiscation: "It's Time to Talk About Guns and the Supreme Court."
Here is LTC Bateman's proposed program for you and me:
1. The only guns permitted will be the following:
a. Smoothbore or Rifled muzzle-loading blackpowder muskets. No 7-11 in history has ever been held up with one of these.
b. Double-barrel breech-loading shotguns. Hunting with these is valid.
c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place.
2. We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited. When you die your weapons must be turned into the local police department, which will then destroy them. (Weapons of historical significance will be de-milled, but may be preserved.)
3. Police departments are no longer allowed to sell or auction weapons used in crimes after the cases have been closed. (That will piss off some cops, since they really need this money. But you know what they need more? Less violence and death. By continuing the process of weapon recirculation, they are only making their jobs -- or the jobs of some other cops -- harder.)
4. We will submit a new tax on ammunition. In the first two years it will be 400 percent of the current retail cost of that type of ammunition. (Exemptions for the ammo used by the approved weapons.) Thereafter it will increase by 20 percent per year.
5. We will initiate a nationwide "buy-back" program, effective immediately, with the payouts coming from the DoD budget. This buy-back program will start purchasing weapons at 200 percent of their face value the first year, 150 percent the second year, 100 percent the third year. Thereafter there will be a 10 year pause, at which point the guns can be sold to the government at 10 percent of their value for the next 50 years.
6. The major gun manufactures of the United States, less those who create weapons for the federal government and the armed forces, will be bought out by the United States of America, for our own damned good.
Now LTC Bateman is a current-serving officer and has taught at Georgetown University, George Mason University, and the United States Military Academy at West Point. Here is his Small Wars Journal bio.
Bateman wrote in SWJ in 2010:
I have departed the Office of Net Assessment, OSD, and for the next four years, at least, I will serve the United States by serving with or among other nation's military forces. This means that, among other things, I can write again. I arrived at the NATO Defense College recently. Not exactly a hardship tour, to be sure. I am in Rome, Italy, for six months. At the end of this gig, so I hear, the odds are not bad that I will go downrange for a while, working as a Strategist for somebody. We will see. Following that...the European Rapid Reaction Corps, Lille, France, where I will be one of about six Americans.
Old Winnie once noted, "It is better to jaw jaw than to war war."
Now, leaving aside the absolute fact that Bateman's own "jaw-jaw" will certainly lead to civil "war-war,"  for a military-educated "strategist" Bateman seems woefully ignorant of at least three topics:
1. The Constitution of the United States, especially the history of the Second Amendment.
2. The Law of Unintended Consequences.
3. Fourth Generation Warfare as it may be applied in an American context in the event of just such a tyranny as the LTC proposes.
Bateman also wrote this in SWJ:
Now I am not a big one for the whole "emotional" thingeemabob. In most debates I want footnotes, documentation, and fracking proof for everything. People who know my history know this about me. But there are limits, and Jim's simple statement hit the mark. Sometimes, some very rare times, you don't need proof. You don't need evidence. You need only know how to feel, and be human.
Presumably Bateman is extrapolating not only from his own ignorance but from an evidence-free "feeling" in his reaction to the story he claims to have motivated this citizen-disarmament jeremiad. Somehow, though, I doubt the sincerity of his narrative on this point. I rather suspect that this tax-feeding oath breaker has long been an advocate of a government monopoly of violence and is merely using the Iron Bowl insanity as a convenient excuse springboard to curry favor with a regime that he knows covets citizen disarmament above all things. Perhaps, his Army career having reached a frustrating end-game, he is angling for the new post of Deputy Secretary of Defense in Charge of Citizen Disarmament.
Surely someone so allegedly intelligent would not unintentionally objectify the cause of the tragic murder of one woman by another over the results of a football game making it the fault of the firearm rather than the murderess? Surely it is no accident that he would then conflate that objectification into a call for wholesale citizen disarmament?
No, I rather think that this solicitation of bloody civil war is something Bateman has been pondering for some time and he has decided that the prevailing political winds won't threaten his career or his pension if he licks the arses of the political Mandarins of the same regime that gave us the Fast and Furious scandal.
I would ask Bateman, were he in front of me at the moment, how many millions of his fellow citizens (who he is nominally supposed to protect) is he willing to see dead in order to accomplish his bloody tyranny?
One million? Three? Ten?
At what point in this proposed stack of bodies would Bateman's thirst for the murder-by-government of his fellow citizens be overcome by the reality of his "You don't need evidence - You need only know how to feel, and be human" alleged benevolence?
Batemen is evidently unworried that he will one day be called to account by this egregious violation of the Law of Unintended Consequences -- should he get his way -- for the intellectual support he gives to his proposed American tyranny, this sought-after massacre of you and me, of our families, of all our friends.
I would suggest to the Lieutenant Colonel that he re-evaluate his bloody proposal in the light of  Bill Clinton's rules of engagement for the Serbian political and media elite in 1999 as well as the Chinese caution, "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it."


Anonymous said...

These are the fucksticks in charge of our military?

Anonymous said...

Dick act Motherfucker ,, can you comprehend it?

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.

The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

kayemigart said...

He needs a "hardship tour" in Detroit.

Anonymous said...

Does this stupid Son Of a Bitch and like minded ignorant Bastards like him have any idea what 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 or more skilled deer hunters tuned into Patriotic Snipers can do with a scoped five round bolt action rifle from 600 meters or less?

Anonymous said...

What a piece of shit.

But, at least the Solothurn would be allowed under his plan!

Pericles said...

Judging from the ribbons displayed, Bateman has not had a overseas tour in a war zone. How can you be a combat arms officer and missed the wars in the past 12 years?

Anonymous said...

Scott Wilson said...

Are there any MEN left in the chain of command above this mental midget to correct his attitude?

bubba said...

He states he wants "footnotes, documentation, and fracking proof for everything". What if, perhaps, he should have examples shown him instead, would he change his mind?

Anonymous said...

I think I'll create a "hunting list" just in case we end up in a 4th generation conflict with these mokes

Anonymous said...

From the lack of fruit salad on his uniform,it appears he is a REMF.and looks old to be still a LTC. Besides being a traitor

Anonymous said...

Well "Sir" I am one of your soldiers. And I am very very good at two things. Honoring my oath. And shooting with a bolt action rifle.

John Galt said...

So. That's what a turd looks like in uniform. What an elitist douchfuck you turned out to be. The Fabians would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I bet that pussy Masterbateman will be holed up in some back office playing solitaire when the SHTF. Sure, he looks like the guy who will be prying guns out of the hands of dead patriots. Looks like a rainbow warrior to me.

Anonymous said...

A traitor of the first order. He is worse than the enemy as he is amongst us claiming to be with us. They do not deserve oxygen.

He ignores the human cost of such treasonous orders in civilians as well as his own men, who he is responsible for. Lose - lose.

He should be retired at virtually any cost. He does not belong among our brave men and women who would chose to uphold their oath.


Anonymous said...

Empty uniform topped by an empty head!

Not even worth collecting ...


SWIFT said...

Bateman is probably nearing the end of his career and establishing credentials to run for office in one of our commie states. The oath breaking prick needs to go on a list.

Anonymous said...

Remember his face. In civies. Cause that's where you'll see him if his wants come to pass. In civies, and running his ass off.

gunnyg said...

This fucking traitor can be reached at:

What a pile of shit.

joe bailey said...

The S O B is begging for a revolution , he should be very careful indeed in what he wishes for ,he will get more than he bargained for

Crotalus said...

Go ahead, M'Fer! Make my day!

Anonymous said...

I won't use farcebook so I'll comment here. There are what, twenty or more MILLION people out here trained by his organization? Not all of them think as he does either. This is the face of treason, get to know it. He is a disgrace to the uniform besides being a pussy. Yeah, Bobby, I'm calling you out, have the NSA give you my name and address and come on over for a few rounds of combatives. I'm old and fat; you're old and fat, should be a good match.


Anonymous said...

The majority of military members are hard-working and patriotic. Then, there are some that couldn't hold a job as a traffic counter.

LTC Bateman is one. He's the product of a military "education" system that makes low-to-mid level intellects feel intelligent beyond their wildest dreams by instilling Pavlovian responses to poorly conceived questions in their heads through a series of two-bit "professional" military schools. Sadly, many will attribute importance to his comments.

He is clearly an empty uniform.

jaque bauer said...

BATEMAN presents his personal feelings about what you may or may not possess in the way of firearms. He happens to be a soldier. If I did not know better, I would have thought he was with the Chinese PLA, or other Communist state. He ignores the Second Amendment, and believes because he is a soldier, he is superior to you, and therefore believes that only the Government has the right to own modern firearms. He does not choose the factors that are causal to the highest rate of death in the nation, so saving lives cannot be his motivation. He is a gun grabber, a being of superior intellect, wears a uniform, and who believes you are beneath him and his kind, and that only he and others of the State Security Apparatus should possess modern self loading firearms. This is a very dangerous man. As an officer, he is sworn to obey and protect the Constitution. In his writings, it seems he does not believe the oath he is sworn to.

Anonymous said...

"c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place."
Carlos Hathcock USMC, Chuck Mowhinny USMC, Vasily Zaytsev Red Army, Lyudmilla Pavlichenko Red Army. All used a five shot bolt action rifle to dispatch nearly 900 enemy soldiers combined. Lots of country boys grew up with one of these in there hands. Many served in uniform and were trained to fight or wage a guerilla style war. General Shit for Brains might want to watch what he wishes for. He might just get it.

Carl Stevenson said...

He should be busted to buck private, dishonorably discharged, then hanged for treason.

AuricTech said...

I would ask Bateman, were he in front of me at the moment, how many millions of his fellow citizens (who he is nominally supposed to protect) is he willing to see dead in order to accomplish his bloody tyranny?

One million? Three? Ten?

I rather suspect that, though he might claim otherwise, his "feelings" would lead him to support killing somewhere around one hundred million ungoodthinkful unpersons. After all, it's not as if the ungoodthinkful are real persons....

Anonymous said...

To bateman - molon labe mother fucker...

ATOM ANT said...

This seems to contradict the Dick act.

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter what or who the militia is. The second amendment protects a "right of the people", not a power of the states or their militia. Congress already had the power to arm, or not, the militia under the unamended Constitution,Art I Sec. 8.

Bateman focuses on the "well regulated militia", when he doesn't even understand the term of art "Well Regulated". It has nothing to do with rules, regulations or restrictions, it has to do with properly functioning, fit for it's purpose. The purpose of a militia, according to Elibrige Gerry, 5th vice President under Madison, is to negate the need for large standing army. (which we do not have, considering how large our population is today)

But he ignores "right of the people". It doesn't say right of the militia, nor power of the states, it says "right of the people. Just like the 4th amendment. When the Constitution mentions a right it always is applied to persons or the people. When states or the federal government is mentioned, it refers to "powers".

Anonymous said...

What a douchebag.

Ed said...

An Irish Prayer:
May those who love us love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we'll know them by their limping.

LTC Bateman is limping.
May he get as good as he gives.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank the distinguished LTC for expressing his opinions about firearms in the hands of the general population. I have no doubt that there are more like him in the military, and cordially invite them to add their voice to the discussion by expressing their opinions.
This is very useful information to have.

thebronze said...

The guy in the picture isn't the same LTC Robert Bateman that penned the article in question. That one is much younger than the guy in the picture. A quick google image search has a few pictures of the correct Bateman. One of which is a picture of him in DCU's with sunglasses, kneeling next to som Iraqi girl.

Anonymous said...

OathKeepers stand against assholes like this. They sit at the highest levels of our military and have overrun law enforcement.

Pick a side and get prepared, we will have to take a stand sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

I think this imbecile has been smoking too much monkey poop. Does his mommy know he's playing soldier?

Anonymous said...

This guy will probably end up as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He is the perfect useful idiot that Dear Leader has searched for. All others who point out the stupidity of his policies are shelved. But this guy fits the bill perfectly. Stalin liked guys like this. That is why he damed near lost his ass when Uncle Adolph invaded. When it comes to Dear Leader smart he ain't.History will repeat itself.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to scrape a copy of this limp wristed twats face or photo so we can have a "Mosted Wanted" list enabled soon....

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this idiot realizes how many lists he's on now. One Hundred heads may not be enough.

Just Tim said...

I can't help but be a little suspecious of this guy. Look at his uniform. No combat awards or overseas ribbons. He looks a little long in the tooth and portly. He's just committed career suicide by being an active duty LTC and espousing such absurd unconstitutional vomit. I know the army has/is changing but his chain of command is gonna look at this turf in uniform and think he's nuts and a command risk. I just think either the story's phony or the photo of this idiot is fake. Too many red flags.

Anonymous said...

If Obowelmovement had a LTC, he would be just like Bateman.
Bateman go die a miserable death, you're no American.

Anonymous said...

If that's the kind of "freedom" you want, GTF out of the US and move to England.

Old Ironsights said...

Six words for Mr. "I'm so good at killing civilians I want them disarmed."...

Warsaw Ghett
Never Again
Molon Labe

Anonymous said...

I see a middle-aged, FAT, pseudo-intellectual think tank chicken-hawk who is now pumping out the inflammatory prose because it will help him vault to the front in his 'career'. I mean, ya know, the food in Rome is so absolutely FABULOUS, and its all paid for by the slaves (that's US). POTUS or (more importantly) Valery, is sure to notice, and next thing he'll pop up at Kissinger Associates, or the CFR....Not to minimize what he is actually saying: they DO have a code, and the Code requires them to try to obtain your informed consent to whatever outrage they are planning. Failing this, and it usually does fail, they then have to TELL you what they are going to do. Lack of resistance equals implied consent. The case study for this is 'Mein Kampf'....

frank said...

He probably makes the same face as in the pic to Brzezinski's asshole. He doesn't serve the United States he's another NWO groveling, shill poodle

Anonymous said...

OMG, what a traitor and POS. I bet he jacks off to Obama's picture every night.

Anonymous said...

Let's put something in perspective. I did a little research, and most historians think that, during the Revolutionary War, about 3% of the population of the colonies got pissed off enough to pick up a musket and go shoot Redcoats. Given that there were around 1 million people in the colonies back then (depends on who tallied them up, I'm going for the low end), that gave G. Washington about 30,000 men to fight off what was, in it's day, the best military force on Earth.

Today, we have around 313,000,000 people in this country. If 3% of this population stood up and said 'Fuck you, Uncle Sam," then Sam would have over 9 million armed men and women with which to contend.

Are you reading this, LTC Bateman? Do you understand the sort of bloodshed you are asking for? Our full military force, including all four branches, is under 1.5 million members the last time I checked, and the greater majority of them will side with the people they swore to defend. If you bring NATO or UN troops in, you'll have a lot more than 3% on your hands. You get the picture, you dumb fat fuck? You are trying to pick a fight you cannot win.

Anonymous said...

Just another has been, wannabee!!! Doesn't even understand after all these years what the Constitution really is! Then to thumb his nose at the Supreme Court and threaten all the rights and lives of American citizens. Yes, he is on the mental side!