Saturday, December 28, 2013

Not convinced on the theology of this. "All Gats Go to Heaven -- Mikhail Kalashnikov at the Pearly Gates."



Anonymous said...

He may have been a communist bastard....

He was indeed a very inventive guy, who invented a very good firearm that works...

(Although I'm on the mind that it was a blatant copy of the Sturmgewehr 44...)

His weapon was used by both the good guys and the bad guys...

And I'm not going to lie, if things totally go to $#!†, and I was on the move, and had to eat bugs and sleep in the dirt, I'd sleep a lot better knowing one of his weapons were at least being carried by one of my friends (Admit it: So would you.)

-- Don't get me wrong, I love my AR-15 with a passion, but at the end of the day, I won't object to having one of Mr. Kalashnikov's guns by my side as well. --

And I did indeed say a little prayer for his communist soul at Church. At the end of the day, we're all going to have to die, and meet Almighty God.

ag42b said...

According to my friend Father Lazar, an Orthodox priest, after death, no soul is separated from God. It is this closeness to God that causes burning pain to wicked souls, who have not accepted God, and blessed relief to those that have. Orthodoxy has no "hell", per se.

It is entirely possible that Mikhail Kalashnikov would be welcomed to the blessed relief of Heaven, especially if he professed Orthodoxy, loved God, and his sins had been washed away by Jesus' blood. About "Saint Pyotr" meeting the deceased at the gate, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

... and Heaven's Angels all pack 1911s and do not pick up their brass!


Anonymous said...

If he died without repenting and did not accept Christ, he's in Hell. Period.
To paraphrase a famous Alaska governor, "Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't change it. It's still a pig!"

parabarbarian said...

Judging from what my evangelical acquaintances tell me, Mormons are all hell bound too. John Moses Browning was a Mormon so maybe Kalashnikov and he are sharing a cell.