Friday, December 27, 2013

"Gun-grabber McAuliffe’s election means Beretta won’t move to Virginia."

Beretta has eliminated Virginia from its short list of states to move its company because anti-gun Democrat Terry McAuliffe was elected governor.


Anonymous said...


B Woodman

MadDawg308 said...

That's a shame, we were hoping Beretta would come here to Virginia. Our great Commonwealth has fallen so far in the last several years....

riverrider said...

yeah, but we're workin on sending mcasslif down the road too.

Soffitrat said...

Virginia is not gone. It will come back (and I almost pity those in temporary control) and soon. Meanwhile, this company needs stability. Texas! I know a certain Mayor that will give them abatements they won't get anywhere else.

gunnyg said...

COME TO ALASKA! Plenty of room and plenty of eager employees!