Sunday, October 31, 2010

Maybe he's the anti-Christ after all.

A man gets on his knees next to a car carrying U.S. President Barack Obama as he pulls away from Valois restaurant in Chicago, October 31, 2010. (Reuters)


Defender said...

A "The Stand" moment. "My life for you!"

Anonymous said...

Danny Glover is looking rough these days

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
My wife is reading a book that has a topic I had never heard about. I thought you, being a historian, might be interested, and I'm just curious if you had heard of it. It happened in France on July 16, 1942 and was called operation Spring Breeze.'_d'Hiv_Roundup

Radiowave said...

“And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me”.
Matthew 4:9

Defender said...

He called us "enemies."

Chuck Martel said...

Is this guy begging BHO or worshiping him?

Maybe it's the same thing.

Anonymous said...

He's a network news anchor. He reads the teleprompter, and without it he can't make a coherent speech. Wouldn't you think the prince of lies would be able to lie without having to read it from a cue card? Having this kind of goofball in the figurehead position isn't a threat, it's a blessing. He has run to the front of the big government parade, to make it look like he's leading it. His administration is plodding, slow, predictable. Malevolent, sure, it squashes everything on its path, but it's not agile. The lumbering big government dinosaur is going to trip on its own debt/budget problems and break a hip. This is inevitable. All you have to do is stay out of the way when it falls. Maybe you want to elect this dolt for another term, he's so much less capable and creative than Hillary.

Sure, people get on their knees and worship government. This is nothing new. When this person leaves the figurehead position the kneeling man will appeal to the new king. It's not about the person.

Anonymous said...

Get up off your knees, sir. You disgrace your forefathers who fought and died for you to be able to stand on your feet.

Anonymous said...

Caption: If my wife votes early and often, may she please have season tickets to the Cubs games, too?


Robert the Irish said...

Some of you people really disgust me. Anyone who has ever been poor can see it in the man's eyes. He is in a place you are all going to learn about real soon, Despair. You should try reading The Grapes Of Wrath, or talk to some old people.You might learn what it was like during the great depression and possibly realize what some people are enduring these days. If you had a soul you would give him a hand to help stand up, but no, you would rather put a boot on his neck. Cross the street and ignore him like a good christian, but don't add to his humiliation.You spoiled A-holes are the ones dishonoring your forefathers.To hell with your pride!

G3Ken said...

There is no shame in being poor and but for the grace of God go I, but you're missing the point "Robert the Irish".

You can be poor and still have self-respect. What does this poor man gain by pleading and begging on his knees in front of Obama? Nothing. What does he lose? His dignity.

The point is that NO man should get on their knees for another man...EVER. Before the Lord, I will gladly bend my knee. For a politician? I'd take a bullet in the head before I would do so. If you don't see the real shame in that, there's no hope for you.

Dr.D said...

I don't know wither it makes me scared or just sad............


rah45 said...

Obviously, he was just worshipping Chevrolet. Obama just happened to be inside the vehicle.