"Welcome to the party, pal!"
"All politics now is dress rehearsal for civil war." -- Billy Beck.
Daily Kos shrieks that it is toxic.
CNN says not so much.
Sez Kos:
This is an act of domestic terrorism against the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. As polls show Grijalva in a dead heat for re-election, this act of terrorism has disrupted his campaign. He is unable to use his office or his staff.
Yeah, I'm familiar with that problem.
Somebody doesn't like him.
What progressive/fascists are having difficulty comprehending that their 100 year old experiment is OVER.
Like all progressive/fascists, Grijalva is treasonous vermin, if you see me crying about this, they're crocodile tears.
A couple of observations out of DKos' comment thread:
One commenter said, "I hate these people more than I ever thought was possible." And they accuse us of being the haters. Figures.
You could see the shift when it was revealed that the substance in question was powdered acetominiphen. (Is that available as a powder like Goody's? I'll have to check.) Immediately the focus shifted to how deadly the tylenol would be in the amount present, as if some hapless Grijalva staffer, faced with a baggie of unidentified white powder, would eat it. I don't care if it's Tylenol or powdered Ricin, it's not going to hurt you unless you take it out of the package and mess with it.
The totality of this says, somebody wanted to cause a chinese fire drill at the Grijalva offices, but wasn't intending to hurt anyone.
Actually, if a Dem found a white powder in a baggie, I assure you that he or she would NOT call the cops unless they tried a snort or two first, to see if it was nose candy.
False Flag Op anyone? ZOMFG!!11!!! Teh Tea Party terrurizm!!11!!!
I think he did this himself, or had a staffer do the deed. What better way to gather sympathy votes for a foundering campaign?
And the winner is......BRIAN F!!!!!!
yep, Brian gets the cigar. A simple matter of SASE. What could be easier? Nice publicity gig. His or staffer prints are already on it...
Probably had one of his own staffers mail it to him. Wonder if Grijalva will let the fibbies will take fingerprints of his office workers(legal and illegal)?
Ohh come on! Complete false flag op!
Don't worry buddy, this isn't going to save your gubment job!
How pathetic can you be?
Hell, if it wasn't a false flag I can't say that I really blame the guy who sent it.
"Somebody doesn't like him." I think it's more than one person that doesn't like him, Taylor. I don't like him, for example, and I don't live anywhere near New Mexico.
The guy's about to get booted out of office by the election of a white 26-yr. old woman. In freakin' New Mexico!
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