Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kipling might want to revise that bit about "never the twain shall meet."

OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!
-- Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936), The Ballad of East and West

Looks like East beats West -- and on the West's turf as well.


Defender said...

No doubt some of these parents converted to Islam AFTER 9/11/01. I know a former co-worker who did. I always thought he was a nice, intelligent fellow.
Must be that Nuremberg Rally effect.

jack said...

Well, what did you expect. Limeys don't want to breed, Muslim immigrants do... I bet this is happening in the rest of Western Europe as well.

The way I see it, Western civilization is on the brink of collapse and seems like Muslims will play the role of Visigoths.

Will USofA play the role of Byzantium? Who knows...

Defender said...

Obama waives the international prohibition against recruiting child soldiers. The countries getting the OK seem to have Islamic issues...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the moderates will sort it all out. Except there are no moderates within their ranks because as we all know, the Imams rule all thoughts, and use of force and action in that culture. Moderates tend to become radicalized in self-defense.

Wonder what that means....

I'm probably just being negative....

Sean said...

In the "Coming Unpleasentness", Moslems will be identified as OPFOR, and I have no plans for any accomodation.