Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Cliffs of Insanity ain't so crazy at all.

Excellent observation about empty holsters.


Kevin Patrick said...

Comment I posted on CoI, you might be interested as well.

My name is Kevin Patrick. I live in Morgantown WV. I attended and was a Marshal at the armed RTC Rally.

I'm also running for State Legislature on the GOP ticket. The GOP has two options, in my opinion.

1.) Hop on board with the Tea Party, that means not trying to control it or set up false leaders.

2.) Get steam-rolled along with the Lefitsts when this thing comes to a head.

The Tea Party can do two things too, I don't have an interest in which they do, but I have an inkling as to which it will be.

1.) Become a political party, or coalition party, of libertarians and conservatives.

2.) Prepare for a fight.

I'm a member of the GOP. But if the GOP doesn't muster some intestinal fortitude, and start standing up for the Founders' principles, our Republic, and individual rights, I and many others will leave and find somewhere else to hang our hats while we fight for liberty.

We have some big problems to face. One of the greatest being that is seems we are two peoples, two ideological cohorts, living in one country. That would not be a problem if our differences could be lived with; but they cannot.

The Leftist says, "I know how best for everyone to live, and I will force you to think and live as I do." The lover of Liberty says, "Do what you want, in your community, in your home. But don't use the law as a weapon to dictate how I will live and think."

The leftist/statist ideas require force as a motivator, or else it falls apart. This is why they won't let my generation opt of SSI, and seek that money elsewhere in the budget (like the budget for two wars in 3 countries).

These are not differences we can "live and let live" with, because the very idea of 'live and let live' is alien to the leftist.

I hope everyone who espouses a love of liberty realizes what a commitment it is, and what actions your principles might dictate in the future.

I'll see you all at New Lexington, and I leave you with two thoguhts:

- When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

- When your principles dictate independence (liberty), the course of action is clear.

In Liberty,
--- Kevin Patrick

Dennis308 said...

Oh well I guess I won´t be going to THAT gun RIGHT´s convention.


Andries said...

Like Bob Wright said during or after the RTC event--and I may be paraphrasing--"Showing up at a gun rally without a gun is like saying, 'my dick don't work.'" Truth spoken.

tyrantsbane said...

My thoughts on the GOP (as a semi-recently retired Republican, now registered as a Libertarian) is that the two well-established parties are both beholden to special interests and corporate greed; the dividing factor seems to be whether we will accept tyranny or tyranny light.
To some extent or another, we have placed too much emphasis on party alignment. Granted, Dems are reliably treasonous and will attempt to increase the size and scope of the Feral Government at every turn. There are unreliable exceptions (Kucinich and Grayson) who may fight against ObamaCare (because it is actually a bail out for insurance companies) or stand up against the Federal Reserve.
The GOP has had its share of Kucinich's and Grayson's...for a party that claims to be the keepers of morality, they have besieged themselves by being closet gays (Mark Foley/Larry Craig) or being involved in extra-marital affairs (John Ensign/Mark Sanford). I'm no poster child of morality, but I do not claim moral superiority while living immorally.
GW Bush made light of the lack of WMDs in Iraq just as Obama made light of predator drones in Pakistan and Goldman Sachs being crooked banksters. Until the GOP stops dancing to the same tune the Dems are, their name is Mudd. The GOP should stop creating an image of what it means to be conservative and just start being conservative, period. That means the Constitution still is supreme law of the land; sorry Patriot Act, bye bye and concessions to gun-grabbers for "reasonable infringement", bye bye and hello fiscal responsibility. I might add, that being the party that claims to believe in the Constitution, the GOP might wish to allow We the People more civil liberties...conservative doesn't have to be synonymous with curmudgeon.