Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Why does the mainstream media keep trotting out the Boy Who Cried Right-Wing Terrorist?"

Lachlan Markay asks an excellent question.


Toaster 802 said...

Just when you thought you had found all the bugs in the room, someone moves the couch...


Check this out Mike...and I though I was far out...

I guess besides being right wing terrorists, we are also all Freemasons...

Anonymous said...

They trot him out because he looks like the typical goofy,unkempt,leftwing basement dweller that the lefties can identify with. Along with his worn out poorly tailored suit, all he needs is a sign and a cup of pencils and he'd fit right into the landscape of any street corner in any major city with the drunks and the homeless crowd.

They love listening to him as he is their useful idiot. Secretly, they are laughing their asses off behind his back though.

Babs said...

Just one thing to say, this man is a racist and I send him hate mail daily.

Anonymous said...

There ya go Toaster. You've run afoul of the Alex Jones Lunatic Ward.

According to those a**hats, anyone who doesn't believe Christ is a metaphor for Lizard poison, or who doesn't believe the planet Nibiru is all set to pull into orbit around the earth and disembard scores of Nephilim to roast us all like wieners on a stick are all Freemasons, Reptilians or other evil-doing scum.

Those are the nice Christians. They want a Theocracy so they can tell you how to worship their ascended being while sneering down at any Patriot who would stand up for him/herself.


JAFO said...

Check this out from Harpers re SPLC: