Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tell it to George Soros,



Charlie said...

At what point are we taxed enough?

P-Word said...

And to Bill Gates.

Kevin Patrick said...

New local, online paper in my area has this as their front page article. Other stuff of Threeper interest as well:


Anonymous said...

Some hard working person has made enough money? Perhaps our politicians have consumed enough oxygen.

Anonymous said...

The mighty Kenyan made over 5 million last year, but standards and rules for the unwashed don't apply to the messiah.

Chuck Martel said...

"President Obama's tax return reveals he made $5.5M in 2009, largely from book sales.
On that, he owed $1,792,414 in federal taxes, or a third of his income, but overpaid by $8,287. The Obamas applied the refund to next year's bill."

If he really cared, he would have paid 90% of that to the federal government instead of just a third.

lancelennox said...

How can you not love these beautiful patiotic woman ?

DC Wright said...

Who decides how much is enough?

If Obambi wants to be the one to decide, then it quickly becomes open warfare time, as "too much" comes down to $20,000.00 per year or under. Just as worthless as his "pledge" not to tax anyone under $250,000.00 income. Yeah, right! Look how well THAT pledge is working out.

Taylor H said...

hahaha, he just doesn't get it

Commie Blaster said...

Everything you need to know about George Soros is shown here:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...well, I'll try to adapt to the Present's thinking:

Me to Obama:"I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Trampled Enough Freedom."

That point was about 80 years into the distant past-just in case you were wondering.


PS: If you want to be President, you must have ID. Love, Eric.

D said...

"I do think that at a certain point you've made enough money" So, Wesley Mooch, what is in your book to much? And when a person has made to much money in your book; what then? Oops did I say Wesley mooch I meant Barack Obama sorry for the mistake, its just that they have the same political views...

Anonymous said...

But Mike, Mike, you don't understand. This is the Smartest And Most Sensitive Man In America, and he knows just where that point is where you've "made enough money".
I hear the SAMSMIA made $5.5 million last year.

Hugo de Groot said...

Um isn't that an insult to assholes? I mean an asshole has a purpose -- the elimination of waste.

This guy is the exact opposite -- the waste the crud just continues to build up.

Wouldn't it better to term him a colonic atresia?

j said...

That is a much higher gade than he deserves

DMS said...

He is, of course, perfectly right. At some point you, I, and everyone else have indeed made "enough" money. And the final arbiters of what constitutes "enough" are our fellow citizens, who decide how much they are willing to voluntarily pay us in exchange for the goods and services we provide them. Outside of that, nobody's opinion, least of all that of a member of the political class drunk on hubris and power, means anything.


FSHB said...

The powers that be sure do hate competition