Monday, April 26, 2010

"Agents of Incompetence" -- the continuing saga of stupidity that is the ATF.

Now that things are slowing down a bit, I'll have more time to devote to James P. "Little Jimmy" Vann and his bumbling "agents of incompetence" enforcing their unconstitutional agenda.

Check this link:


Taylor H said...

*face palm*

Anonymous said...

Obviously the ATF likes to play airsoft. For free. And I'd be willing to bet that not a few kids of ATF agents recieved some pretty cool looking toys this year...........

dennis308 said...

Bet they made sure to distroy ALL of these MACHINE GUNS so nobody could prove just how STUPID they are.


Michael Gilson said...

Did you read the two comments by Inspectorudy? Did he strike you as a probable ATF sock puppet?