Saturday, November 15, 2014

Gee, I wonder what the Founders would have made of this?

“The addition of the of the SOD … means North Carolina now has the ability to accomplish worldwide missions,” Brig. Gen. John Byrd, the state’s assistant adjutant general for domestic operations, said at the ceremony.


Roger J said...

Nice to see my home state finally has a worldwide rapid reaction force. Maybe now we can finally settle that 18th century boundary dispute with Virginia...Richmond, look out! Raleigh is calling! ;-)

Good luck in the NUTmeg state, Mike.

Anonymous said...

The Founders probably would have thought the same of it as they would have thought of the rest of the fedgov's standing army, and the current state of this country overall.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot less issue with it (to the point that it's basically non existent) than I have with almost every police department having a SWAT team with APCs and select fire weapons. I have a lot more faith in the military than I do cops.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:20,

The only real difference between the military and the police is their chief area of operation: one group enforces the rule of the elites overseas, while the other does the same thing domestically. Alternatively, the US police can be thought of as the domestic branch of the military. But even there the lines are blurred, as there have been plenty of incidents in which the "real" military turned its weapons on the American people. Most of them will do so again if ordered.

VonZorch said...

You do know that being national Guard that they are not limited by the Posse Comitatus act.

Anonymous said...


The Posse Comitatus Act can be violated by the government just as easily as the government currently violates the plain words of the Constitution.

quislingnation said...

Just remember.. it was the Oklahoma NG that disarmed Americans by "only following orders" like a modern gestapo