Friday, November 21, 2014

And in further explication of the previous: "The Republicans will not fight."

But the Republicans will not fight. In fact, what the Republicans are proposing as a strategy to combat the president is to let it happen, and then go through an elaborate theater to let it keep happening. They will, once they have fully funded the government, try to undo the funding. This is called a rescission. But the president will veto it and the Republicans will fail to override the vote, so Republicans can say they opposed the president, but funded him nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

The current "leadership" are scumbags until they prove otherwise. That would take a whole lot of proving in my book, considering what they've done and failed to do.

Anonymous said...

All change should start from the bottom up. George Washington waited for the groundswell of support from the bottom . If the people will not rise up the leaders will not do so.

MissAnthropy said...

The Republicans have proven that not just they as a party, but the entire Congress as a branch of government, are now irrelevant.

At this point I'm just waiting for Grand Moff Tarkin to strut into the room and inform everyone the Imperial Senate has been dissolved permanently.

Jimmy the Saint said...

Of course, the author of that piece has been a GOP cheerleader/apologist/fellator for years.

Better late than never on the come-to-Jesus-moment though, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Voting will fix it. Oh wait....
