Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bloomberg 'background check' expansion to Nevada part of warned-against plan

Here we go again.


Anonymous said...

There's a reason we are supposed to be a Republic and NOT a Democracy. As a Democracy the 51% will always vote to take the rights (which devolve out of PROPERTY) of the 49%. Gun rights are only the beginning. Anyone who didn't know, or hasn't believed, that collectivism is run by and for the benefit of, the elite, just has to look at who's sponsoring this nonsense. They're using the dumbed down masses in large cities to control entire states. California and New York have experienced this for a long time now. Imagine everything being put directly to the voters after Obama's ploy of legalizing millions of illegals..

Capitalist Eric said...

They just don't GET it. There comes a time when tyrannical laws simply won't be obeyed, regardless of how they get them passed. CT, NY and CO should have taught them that lesson. The price to be paid for their stupidity and arrogance will be paid in blood- THEIR blood.

PNW_DPer said...

I guess we know the probable location (or at least the state) of the next school shooting. Timed to get the most votes for the initiative, like here in Washington.

Anonymous said...

'PNW DPer'@3:39 PM, EXACTLY! I fully expect this to be the scene of the next "False Flag" shooting to Try and push this referendum through! They will probably Try and stage the next "False Flag" in Harry Reid's Clark County, where Obama Flunky Sheriff Gillespie, can Rig everything and they will Try and blame it on Pretend Tea Party and Right Wing Cliven Bundy supporters!