Friday, July 25, 2014

The Real U.S.-China War Asia Should Worry About

The "Range War"


DAN III said...

A war with the Red Chinese ? What a joke.

Our combat troops carry first aid kits with bandages made in Red China.

Our hardware, nuts, bolts, screws, etc., are all made in Red China.

Nearly 40% of all American foodstuffs are made in China.

Almost ALL of our electronic items are made in Red China and many components of DoD electronics are Red Chinese.

Our computers (DoD) are made offshore, many in Red China.

Oh....and we owe TRILLIONS to the Red Chinese for all the product they've exported here to the USA since 2000.

Lastly, we can't sustain a REAL war with the Chicoms because our TRAITOROUS politicians, with Bubba Clinton foremost, gave our sovereignty to the Chicoms. We don't have industrial capability any longer.

War with China ? Look at the products in the store and where they're made. Look at depreciating wages. Look at the lack of family-sustaining wages that don't exist. We ARE at war with the Chicoms and have been for all of 15 years. Guess what ? We lost.

Bill said...

Did you happen to see this sir?

Tyranny is on full alert in Boston Massachusetts. Also see this



Paul X said...

"We now know that the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis in March 1996 (during which the United States deployed two aircraft-carrier strike groups to the region) and the stunning tactical performance displayed by U.S. forces in the 1991 Persian Gulf War persuaded China’s leaders to embark on a dramatic reform of China’s military power..."

More fallout from our pointless interventions and invasions. The American ruling class somehow expects other people not to react to their thuggery.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Lower payload = longer range..simple physics. Don't worry, once the F35s are in place they'll have a range of 35 feet. Stay away China! Why would China toss missiles at the US anyway ~ they'll hit their own buildings.

Anonymous said...

Boycott Wal Mart and bring them to their knees!

Sean said...

I recall a lot of loose talk before Pearl Harbor, from the Americans and the Brits. About how the Japs couldn't even fight, at how ridiculous they looked, their equipment was lousy, etc. Then they handed our ass to us in the Pacific, with Pearl Harbor, and Singapore and all that, and our fighters and soldiers and all paid a severe and deadly price for all of it. Sure, we're ready to fight the last war. The Chinese aren't arming themselves to the teeth for fun, the same as the Japanese didn't have eight air craft carriers to our three in 1941 because they just wanted to be able to say so. History is about to repeat itself, in that the US in engaged in navel gazing, while our enemy is engaged in naval grazing. One of these fine days, China is going to do just whatever they please in the Pacific, and without firing a shot. And we'll be shoved out, with what ever weak kneed response comes from our current illegal alien WH resident. But don't any of y'all get your bowels in an uproar, we ain't got the money, we're riddled with corruption from village to Capitol, and a dumbed down and apathetic populace hasn't got the cojones to do squat about what will happen. Our fathers went out into the Pacific to straighten out the colossal foul ups our "leaders" had made over time, and paid in blood and guts for the price of seeing the threat, ignoring the warnings, not being well armed and technically prepared to counter them. We eventually repatriated the nearly 7,000 dead Marines from Iwo Jima. This time, we'll be able to bury them here at home, as our Chinese overseers look on.

Paul X said...

"We ARE at war with the Chicoms and have been for all of 15 years."

No. The problem is that the Chinese have become competitive in the free market, and that our products have become uncompetitive. They took our own game and beat us at it. The reason is that we have been screwed by our own government. Left alone, Americans would have done just fine in the market.

Oh, BTW, we don't owe trillions for their products - those products are paid for right when we buy them - rather, we (our government that is) owe trillions for loans that our government uses to support its socialist policies and for money to the crony class.

The Chinese have gradually worked their way out of the world's worst-ever tyranny (Mao) and rational people would be happy for them. Our problems are all home-grown.

My wife's family were driven out of China by the communists - best thing that ever happened to them, because they missed the purges that happened later.

DAN III said...

Paul X....."the Chinese have become competitive in the free market"

You sir are full of the same crap that our Congress has fed us for 20+ years. "Free market" ? Free for the Commie Chinese who paid off Bubba Clinton to push HR 4444. The Republican controlled Congress gave Billie Boy what he wanted and the Red Chinese PAID for....unfettered access to the American market. No tariffs, no import restrictions.

Do you understand economics ? The Red Chinese have paid the lucky one's $2.00/hour. How can Americans compete with that when US companies ran to the Commie to produce their goods with American labels but with Commie slave labor.

You're a dunce. Something tells me you have a good paying government job. Because if you were trying to eke out a living wage in the private sector, you wouldn't be arguing how the Commie Chinese played "fair".