Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Refreshingly Honest Colorado Collectivist Chants: "Death to the Colorado GOP."

Well, pardon us if we take you seriously.


Anonymous said...

This might get ugly since most of these "collectivists" want someone else's son or daughter to enforce their gun control schemes! Watch the last 300 yards honey.......because we are armed and you aren't bright enough to be........

Anonymous said...

This is why both the political left and the huge numbers of criminals in the mass third world immigration invasion do not want to see American citizens armed and able to defend themselves. They both would prefer it be like Mexico or other Central American nations where the crooked government is the only means of protection, and where the rapists and murderers can run wild without fear of being shot.

Anonymous said...

300yds.....hell, with a hooter that size she better be careful out to 600 yds.

Anonymous said...

These Leftist assholes are living in a bubble of their own false reality. I've been saying for a long time now, they simply want us all DEAD. At least they're being honest now.

When this thing goes hot, it's going to ugly very fast. They won't know what hit them. They may suddenly wake up and cry, "Oh, we were wrong! It was wrong of us to want people dead simply because of their political beliefs! What fools we were! Can we kiss and make now?"

Unfortunately, once things start, stuff like that tends to take on a life all its own and it becomes impossible to control or stop until it burns itself out.

Anonymous said...

Ya it's funny to joke about politically motivated executions when your regime is currently in the power seat. Ask the Nicolae Ceaușescu how that worked out in the long run.